40. Flowers: symbol of love


Sriansh orders his staff to guide us towards the cottage which is a few steps afar. Here everything feels like a different world. And the cottage is peculiarly captivating, built with timber.

It's minimal with utmost comfort. Arjun is behind me following,I couldn't chain my exhilaration. A small attached kitchen with essentials, cozy living room and bedroom it's themed aesthetically.

With tiredness I slumped on the couch and Arjun forwarded me a glass of water which I chugged. He sat next to me, keeping a good distance. This literally irked me, is he still ignoring me or doesn't he like to touch me?

Disregarding those thoughts I erased the distance and clutched his arm,resting head on his shoulder. Till now he paid efforts, it's my turn to work on our relationship. Definitely I am not going back.

He was puzzled with my actions, cause generally I won't touch him until he initiates. Yet he stroked my hair gently. This is the peace anyone can dream of. Midwinter, hailing of snow and in the embrace of your loved one.

“Are you happy?” Arjun asked, still stroking hair. I noticed he asks this all the time.

“ Not just happy…! Beyond that, I never dreamt one day I would be loved and cared for” although my heart fought not to recollect yet the memories of being thrashed, treated like a dust, harsh truth of my life played back my mind.

Tears cascaded, noticing that he got tensed. Started to panic.

“What happened baby? Are you hurt?” stress laced over him and brushed off my tears. Oh my lovely husband, what good have I done to deserve you?

“No…I am way too happy “ I said in a crooked voice.

“Crazy girl…” he muttered and pecked my temple.

I felt like kissing, whatever intimate moments we shared it's him who initiates. But now I want to do it.

I tardily came out of hold and cupped his cheeks which felt cold yet warm with my touch. Unhurriedly pecked his forehead lingering my lips to which he closed eyes.

His body became still and inhaled deeply. Further I moved lips to his left cheek and kissed, followed by nose,chin,jaw. All the while he held my waist firmly.

I pulled back to look at his blushing face. I blew air over his face to which he lazily opened eyes.

“What was that? It felt immensely good.” He said in a deep, arousing voice. I couldn't respond but look into his black eyes like no moon night with bright stars

I got up and straddle myself on his lap, circling small hands around his nape. His orbs darkened dangerously observing my movements.

I know, I am being bold. He's the culprit of my change. The feelings,emotions and this raw side which I never knew barely existed are blossoming to embrace our new journey.

I gently pecked his lips and parted to take lower lip. I know he's restraining from taking control, as he never loved being gentle.

Slow burn will be more interesting than ravishing, with hints of longing, playfulness and dreamily claiming. Soon he moved his lips in sync, traveling hands towards my nape caressing my waist sensually.

The kiss is slow with passion of unvocalized feelings and expedition of to be loved. Soon our tongues collided fighting for dominance yet ready to surrender to each other.

I felt breathless, tapping his shoulders. He tugged my lower lip slightly nibbling and left with a pop sound. I gasped air harshly filling my lungs.

Our eyes locked, emitting desire and love at same time.

“Baby you're becoming bold, yet I loved this side.” He said dipping his face into my neck where warm breath fanned.

“You made me bold. If it's you I can be more than this.” I didn't know when I started becoming shameless like him.

“Thank God you're influenced by me, soon you'll take over me. If not I would be suffering from blue balls.” he mumbled by nibbling my collarbone.

What are blue balls? It knocked after a moment. Oh he's mentioning about…I couldn't even complete the thought.

“ you're unabashed…” I playfully slapped his chest to which he broke into laughter holding me firmly.

He tried to kiss me but I withdrew my face, escaped from Arjun's hold and ran to the bedroom. His faded laughter echoing, I rushed to the washroom.

I have planned something tonight. So for now a kiss is enough. Undressing, turned on shower. Hot piping water traveling down my body felt relaxing.

“Baby, want my help in bathing?” I heard his faded voice. A blush crept into my cheeks with a smile.

Ignoring him I took a revitalizing bath. When I came out wiping hair he's sleeping leaning on the headrest holding the phone.

“Arjun,wake up. After having food you can sleep."He might be hungry as he's particular about food.

We had our meal peacefully. After we were relaxing on the couch, he's typing something on MacBook. And I am impatiently waiting for someone to arrive.

As I planned our special moment which would be remembered and cherished for a lifetime. I was constantly checking my phone. But there was no sign.

When I was on the verge of losing patience a gentle knock was heard. My face lit up with a wide grin but masked with a neutral look.

Arjun went to look, I was peeking to comprehend his expression. He's puzzled holding lilies with a note.

“Oh are these lilies for me? So sweet of you.” Saying I took lilies from him. He was confused looking at the note written with his name.

“ARJUN, what is this note?” I tried to pull my act.

The note read ‘ Dear Arjun…you're as pure as these lilies. As they symbolize renewal, I want to renew our love for the next seven births. Will you give me the opportunity to devote your transience? With love your admirer.’

I read the note loudly with fake anger, cause It's me who wrote this note. He was petrified thinking who sent these flowers.

“Baby I swear, I don't know who sent them?” He tried to explain but within no time another knock was heard. I controlled my laugh.

He went and came back with sunflowers with the note. I took them and read the note loudly.

Hey sunshine of my life…as sunflowers reassemble longevity and resilience I wish our love survive till eternity. I promise to be loyal and devote you…with love, your little dove.’

Listening, his brows thinned and indulged in thoughts.

“Arjun, how can you do this? Are you seeing someone behind me?” Controlling myself on the verge of breaking into laughter.

“Baby, seriously I have no idea who sent these flowers. I can't even think in my wildest dreams to cheat you.” He held my palm and reasoned.

When we're fighting, another knock and it was the same. He came with red carnations. I read the note.

"Hello my Aloha ... .red carnations for my loved one. They symbolize love and fascination. I wish our bond and love remain interesting with little love fights. I promise you I would never make you feel unloved…. With love, your little bird.’

“ I Promise you, who ever playing this sick love game they will regret it.” He bawled fury.

Unable to control my notorious smile I turned my face to hide.

Same goes on, this time red roses. And again the note read,

Dearest love .… Finally red roses. Will you be mine? Without any doubt I am yours. Can you give me little space in your heart which I would treasure? I promise to be in every phase of life. I love you.’

I completed reading and passed the bouquet as I was proposing to him.

“I Love you…! “ I said finally.

“Huh..?” He questioned me.

“ Who the hell proposed to you? I thought you were loyal to me.” I snapped him.

“ BABY, I don't even have the slightest idea of this. Listen to me. I love you.” With fury he implored.

I tried to make my plan hit. It's almost successful.

“Arjun, I never expected this from you. Oh, maybe your lover has sent them. I don't want to see your face, Arjun..” faking my anger I rushed to the bedroom, slammed the door.

Soon I broke into laughter, it's worth watching Arjun's face. Frustrated,confused and using his intellectual brain to find the villain of the story.

Yeah, it's me who planned all this. Those are flowers he has given me since marriage. So I wanted to propose to him and I did it.

Why do only girls receive flowers? Boys do deserve them. Sriansh arranged those flowers when I requested him.

Those flowers held special meaning and I wrote those notes and I meant them. He is my sunshine, savior.

I slowly peaked out, for his presence. He's nowhere. Thankgod he went out. This is what I want.

One of the reasons, fighting with him is that I can implement my plan for my confession successfully tonight.

Poor Arjun assumed it was real. How can I fight with him? I can fight with the whole world but not him. If we ever get that situation I would give up happily.

If he wins then it's my win. He's the only person who can handle me. I love you dear husband.


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Hello everyone.... I am trying to create a little world through books. I hope my little books be fascinating to you and try to lighten up your mood. I hope you'll support me in this journey and be with me. Thank you will little.🦋🦋🦋

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I am trying to create my little world with my fantasies and delusions through books. Come and join me in this journey.