39. Beautiful realization


Manvika ; a simple, calm girl who whirled the emotions which I never discovered hidden in the depths of my heart. She never knew what she meant to me. She can take her time to accept me, fall for me - it might be a year, a decade, even for a lifetime.

What only matters to me is, she's bound to me for a lifetime and there is no escape for her. Now I have a slight idea of her past and her sufferings. It's difficult for her to trust anyone.

But somewhere I long for her love and her warmth. We are humans after all to expect something in return when you're giving. I am scared what if she gets hurt in this process?

She has endured more than anyone can imagine. First I want her to heal herself from the past, I will guard her in this healing journey from her evil shadows which try to hurt.

Sighing, I glanced at her sleeping figure. Her serene face is void of any fear, which she would mask successfully from all. We are almost to our destination.

Since our marriage I haven't traveled nor went on our honeymoon. Traveling is the search for my lost self. To travel with her is top on my wish list. I planned to escape from this chaos and get lost in the woods and mountains of snow.

I decided to go on a trip to Manali. It's my fourth time here and her first time. Last fews days were so dramatic and emotional turmoil for her. She woke up as we reached our destination.



I woke up as the car halted. He opened my door and when my eyes examined the view. This is far beautiful, it is heaven. Mountains were hidden in the blankets of snow and evergreen pine trees were beautifully coated with snowflakes.

Cool Breeze hit my face, chills traveled down my body. I admire the place which is my dream destination. I realized Arjun was gaping at me with soft eyes.

“ Do you like this place?” He enquired.

“I loved this place, do you know it's my dream to play with snow.” I excitedly blurted what came to my mind. I held his arm like an enthusiastic kid.

He chuckled looking at my excitement.

“First let's check into a hotel and then we can explore this place.” He circled my shoulder and guided me towards the hotel.

This place is full of beauty. My heart was thrilled looking at the exteriors of the hotel. A snowman was built at the entrance decorated with a red muffler and fairy lights illuminating its glittering light.

And a beautiful quote written on a wooden board was hung on the door.

The tragedy of life is not death, but what we let die inside of us while we live”

When Arjun pushed the door the chimer produced a melodious sound which was soothing. Soon we entered.

“ARJUN CHACHUUU “ A cute little boy around 3 years ran to Arjun and circled his tiny hands to legs followed by a man in his late twenties.

He is handsome and good looking. But what caught my attention was his tattoo on arm. It's is simple, yet profound meaning. A bird is flying with the sun in the background -tattoo. It fascinated me.

Arjun scooped the cute boy in his arms and squealed with excitement, “ hey my little champ…”

Quietly I was watching them. Unknowingly a smile crept on my face looking at them.

“Chachu, who is she?” Little boy's question broke my trance.

“She is your chachi Aadi '' Arjun introduced me. Little pumpkin formed an oh. He is an exact clone of his father. Their faces are alike.

“ Hey duffer, how are you?” I think Aadi's father hugged Arjun. I couldn't comprehend who they are and what bond they share with Arjun? Yet I realized they share an intimate bond.

“ Happier than ever” Arjun shrugged by warmly hugging him.

“Hello Manvika… I am Sriansh, Arjun's friend “ he extended his hand. How did he know me? Probably Arjun mentioned.

He guided us in and we all settled on the couch. But soon Aadi dragged Arjun outside.

“Chachu, I want to show my snow skiing… I learnt it you know “ Aadi excitedly chirped.

“Oh my big boy knows how to ski…? Aww” Arjun cooed and went with him leaving Sriansh and me.

A comfortable silence filled the room.

“ This hotel is beautiful with authentic interiors. And wall hangings are eye catching “ I admired the interiors. They are authentic with a rusty wood theme.

“ Yeah they are… My wife designed it, she was particular about things.” Saying, he traced the locket resting on his chest like remembering someone.

“ Umm I haven't seen her, is she at home?” I inquired about her with curiosity. But his eyes filled with pain but soon masked it and smiled weakly.

“She has left us and is resting in heaven with angels.” he sadly said holding the locket firmly. With that revelation I gasped.

“I am sorry…I..I didn't mean..” I couldn't say anything as guilt took over me for making him gloomy.

“ It's ok. It's been three years since she left us.” He plastered a weak smile.

“ But Aadi?” I couldn't keep it.

Inhaling deeply, “ Aadish is the bundle of joy and symbol of our love which Adhriti gave me. He may be my Xerox copy but he is more like his mom. “ Sriansh said looking at Aadhish, who was playing with Arjun outside in snow.

“ He is definitely sunshine. Adorable.” I felt bad for Aadhish.

“How did you and Arjun meet?” I want to divert the topic.

“We both meet in Mumbai. We both were volunteers at a NGO during our college. We bonded instantly and here we are. After marrying Adhriti we settled here.” He disclosed their first meeting.

“Arjun is an expressive and outgoing person. He stood with me in my low times and can do anything for his loved ones. He keeps others before him,Which I love.” He upraised Arjun.

My gaze shifted to Arjun ,who is carelessly laughing with Aadish unlike me who hides everything. My lips twitched, looking happy.

“ Do you love him?” Sriansh abrupt question caught me off-guard. My smile fell down.Do I love Arjun? Definitely I like him, but do I deserve his love?

How can I love him when I myself hate being weak? Can I keep him happy? What if I lose him like I lost mumma? No,no I can no longer endure it.

All these thoughts rushed and an unfamiliar weight settled in my heart.

“I don't know.” I whispered but Sriansh heard it.

“ Manvika, we don't realize the value of the person until they are with us. I am no one to comment on your relationship but I can advise you. Love is not a burden but a promise to be there for eachother. Love can never cage you, instead it gives you freedom to fly. When each others' flaws don't matter to you and make them feel confident. Love is seeking solace in each other's presence and healing our scars which we fear to display in front of the world. Breaking every boundary for that one person is love. I never realized what love is until Adhriti entered into my life.

She taught me what love is and even when she left me with our little baby Aadhish, I never missed her. Because love is not just physical presence but connection of hearts. So don't wait for perfect time, time can never change anything but it's you who can change.”

Sriansh words knocked something in me, maybe which I have been running away from. Everything resembled Arjun.

He handled me in my lowest phase without any expectations. He cared for me and tried to heal, which he didn't break. Never restricted me but gave wings to fly high. Unconditionally fought for me, supported me. and loved me?

Yeah he loves me. Although he didn't vocalize his feelings, I can feel it. What about me? Do I love him? What are those feelings and emotions I feel for him? That secure, safe feeling I feel around him is love?

Being jealous and hurt when he is linked with another girl, I might be ignoring these constant feelings but I can't run away from them.

What is this called love? If yes then I love Arjun. Oh my god I freaking fell in love. I don't know the definition of love but one thing is clear.

I want Arjun. No,no I need Arjun as oxygen for my existence. I can't imagine anything happening to him or him in pain. I clutched my mangalsutra as an instinct.

When I was lost in my thoughts Aadhish and Arjun’s playful banter caught my attention. Suddenly Arjun seems different. Maybe it's me who is looking differently?

Oh my goodness I love this idiot who stole my heart. I am smiling like a maniac. Glancing me Arjun wiggled his brows in a questioning way.This person who is my husband stirred the emotions I am running away from.

“Baby you might've been tired, come take rest.” Arjun suggested. His care felt comfortable but now it feels special. I nodded and Aadhish jumped in his dad's arms.

Sriansh called servants and asked them to arrange everything. Thank You Sriansh for knocking some sense into my dumb mind and making me realize. I mentally thanked him.

His words assured my inner whirlpool of fcvked up emotions. I admired the father-son duo. Somewhere I felt bad and sympathize them.

God please keep both of them happy... .they don't deserve this pain. I prayed for them.


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I am trying to create my little world with my fantasies and delusions through books. Come and join me in this journey.