38. Ignoring


No one can mess with me. If they did, the consequences would be horrible. When it comes to my wife, I can clear the whole existence of the problem.

One shot, two birds. She dared to hurt my wife and I decided to ruin their whole family. Now they would recover the loss in their whole lifetime.

Leaving the devastated mother and daughter, I held Manvika's hand and we moved to our room. My innocent baby is looking at them with pity.

As soon as we entered our room she started questioning me.

“What is she talking about? I didn't understand anything. I felt bad looking at her.”

How can she feel melancholy after what they did to her? I want to protect her innocence, definitely not in bed.

“Baby don't concern yourself…it's their problem and papa will handle them.”

I tried to distract her and I almost didn't realize that she wasn't ignoring me. She sighed and didn't enquire anything.

“Aren't you angry with me?” I couldn't control myself to ask this.

“Why would I be angry with you? I am hurt because I thought you loved Ananya.”

She lowered her face and said in a low voice. Good heavens..! Is she jealous?

“Are you jealous? “ I teased her. When she widened her eyes, my smirk grew.

“Why would I be jealous? It's your choice whom to love.” right away she replied.

This irked me more. Doesn't she feel anything for me? Doesn't it matter to her whom I love? Doesn't she care about me?

Am I lacking anywhere? I have been constantly putting efforts to make our relationship better but here she doesn't even care about whom I love.

That's it I got offended with her reply. With hasty steps I took my laptop and proceeded to the study room. She was gazing at me all the while.



By slamming the door harshly he left the room. I was confused by his weird behavior. Which ghost has entered into him?

I stood there dumbstruck. Even I was appalled why I felt a pang in my heart when she mentioned they both love each other.

The mere thought of him loving another girl is not settling well with me. He is my husband,he only belongs to me.

Sidelining these thoughts I descended stairs for breakfast. I think his bua has left as there is no sign of her. Supriya bhabhi was conversing with Raghvi maa.

I joined them. I thought to ask about the earlier matter but remembering Arjun I dropped that matter.

All assembled at the dining table for breakfast except my grumpy husband. Everyone looked at me. Why are they staring at me?

“Bhabhi, where is Arjun Bhai? “ Ashi enquired about him.

Yeah where is he? I haven't seen him since he left our room. Why were all of us expecting me to know about him? It's him who slammed the door on my face.

“Umm I don't know. “ I hesitated to answer them.

“ He is in the study room. He is working on something.” Papa cleared our doubt.

I felt relieved. He might be hungry, I can't leave him like that. So I stood and arranged the plate with food.

Everyone was silently observing my actions.

“ This is for Arjun. As he is working, I would serve his breakfast in the study room .” I answered their unasked question.

They all teased me by forming an ooo. I promptly took the plate and strode towards study. I don't know why I am blushing.

I am standing at door and I don't know why I am nervous. I knocked the door, he voiced a come in.

I entered in, he lifted his gaze from laptop screen to me raising his brows in a questioning way.

“Your breakfast.” I answered curtly. I don't understand why he is angry with me. What is my fault?

“ I am not hungry. “ He carelessly answered.

He never skips his breakfast. Even force me to eat. It's his breakfast time but he is not hungry.

I mentally rolled my eyes at his childish behaviour. I stood infront of his chair and forwarded a morsel.

He is still focused on laptop. Keeping plate on the table I held his jaw and forced the morsel into his mouth.

He was taken back with my act. But he didn't resist. His tongue brushed in my fingers. I felt something twisted in my stomach when his lips touched my finger tips.

“I am not leaving until you complete your breakfast. “ I warned him before he resist.

Like a grumpy baby he sulked. Why is he ignoring me?

I feed him and washed my hands. He took my end of dupatta and wiped his lips. This little gesture made me smile.

“Have you had your breakfast?” He questioned me. I nodded my head as no.

“ I will have now. “ I answered him.

Since morning…no since yesterday he is ignoring me. It should be me who is ignoring but here his highness is angry with me. I was insulted although he defended me but he has no right to ignore me.

I am his wife,how can he do that. I want his attention. Whole day went on like this. He didn't come out of study room. I felt bored without talking to him.

It's finally night. He would definitely come to sleep. So I was waiting for him. He entered in and straight laid on bed facing his back to me.

Everyday he would cuddle me but what changed today. Keeping the book on night stand I laid beside him. Even now he is not turning towards me.

It's ok no problem I will cuddle him. I circled my hand in his was and cuddled his back. Still there is no response. Unknowingly I was drawing circles on his back with my finger tips.

“Listen… turns towards me.” I asked him doubtly.

He slowly turned and deeply gazed into my eyes.

“What happened?” He is asked me like he was not the reason of this drama.

I badly wanted to question him but I couldn't even utter a single word. Unable to handle his intense gazing I dipped my face into his chest and held his torso firmly.

Suddenly he chuckled looking at me. The vibration passed his chest. Finally he pecked my forehead and muttered a good night.

With that I felt peace. I was used to sleep with him by cuddling. His forehead kisses which I long for.


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