37. Fixing things


(Don't you dare to utter a single word about my wife.)

A loud anguish voice boomed through the room. I was startled by the sudden rise of the voice. Fighting with my heart to control its pain I lifted my tears filled eyes to look at the owner of the voice.

It's Arjun, flaring with anger. His demeanor is scaring me. If a glare can kill a person then this mother daughter duo will be burnt into ashes with his furious glaring. I felt like a complete fool who is unaware of things.

This attracted everyone’s attention in the living room.Raghvi maa rushed towards us sensing the heated environment. I looked around me.

All the eyes in the room were fixed on me like I am a showpiece kept in a museum. I couldn't comprehend their looks, some looked with disgust, some were pitying me.

I felt ashamed to be gazed like this. I don't want to face this any more, I can't keep up with this. Averting my gaze I heel and toe race to our room. Huh, our room… his room.



Out of nowhere this bitch Ananya hugged me. What does she think? Only my wife can touch me. She can hug me.

Slightest touch of another woman will feel like spiders crawling on my skin. My senses filled with fury when she hugged me but I can disrespect her as she is our guest.

So I ignored her and tried to ease up my mood by catching up with my cousins. My baby is busy attending guests and relatives. As maa is with her I felt relieved.

Time passed and I hadn't seen her for the past hour so I tried to find her. When I entered the living room where a small sitting area is arranged my ears caught the devilish voice of my bua and the sinister voice Ananya.

Who is this mother and daughter duo tormenting with their heinous words? Who that poor soul caught up with these wicked women? My brain indulged in its thoughts.

That's when I heard the slow sobs of my baby. My brain became a vigilante in its protective mode for my wife. And my sight fell on the weakly weeping and whimpering figure of her.

My last string of command on the sane thoughts broke. Looking at the environment I can understand what might be the scene. Everyone was watching her poor state as a show.

I bawled my anger on them. When she lifted her tear stained face I felt like a heavy stone fell on my heart. I don't know what they said or divulged but might be chaste to her.

Abruptly she rushed to our room, I felt like going behind her but here I have to settle things with these witches.

“WHAT HAVE YOU SAID TO MY WIFE?” I yelled at them. I cared less about my surroundings.

With that they both visibly shivered. All my family has come.

“Arjun what happened? Why are you shouting?” Papa asked with concern.

“Ask that with your dearest sister and niece. What they have done to my wife, she is crying badly.” I said sarcastically, controlling my outburst.

“ bhaiya we haven't commented on anything. Instead she taunted us and disrespected me. When I tried to say something in my defense , she said that ‘ I am daughter in law of this house’.She badmouthed about Ananya and mocked her.And she is a mean girl.”

That bitch facaded her tears and tried to manipulate papa. Not in her dreams my baby can do that.

“Done with your acting ... .wow great show… “ I clapped and mocked her.

“ Shut up. My wife can never do that. Everyone knows who can do that.” I scorn her.

Maa, bhaiya, bhabhi and everyone were trying to comprehend what is happening here. Because when they came She is facading her emotional drama.

“ Look bhaiya how she manipulated our Arjun. Now he believes her rather than me. She is the one who hurt us and here we are humiliated.”

This wicked woman tried to play an emotional card in front of her brother.

“ Vaidehi, Manvika can never do that. She respects elders. She is well behaved. Stop crying. Leave it.” Papa tried to make peace.

“ Bhaiya even she changed you. I don't know what black magic she has performed on this family.”

This woman is impossible. Ananya tried to hold my wrist but I jerked her.

With anger I rushed to my room. I will definitely teach them a lesson for hurting my wife and making her cry. I am going to blow their life's.

Rather than listening to her shits I can make Manvika feel better. Drama is still continuing down stairs but I cared less. My wife needs me. I can handle them after.

The door of our room was slightly open and I could hear the low whimpers of her. I entered and Ashi was sitting beside her on the edge of the bed and consoling her. Trying To Know What happened.

Her face was flushed and red. Her eyes were puffed, lips were wobbling and palms were fidgeted on her saree. Why? Why does it have to be her getting hurt every time?

Inhaling deeply I gestured Ashi to leave and gave me a nod and left. She is not even trying to meet my eyes. This is making it arduous.

I sat near her legs on the floor and held her palm to remove fidgeting. She is not reacting to anything. By looking at the state I can understand worst what they have said to her.

“ Manvika…” I called her slowly.

“Am I the one who wanted to marry you?

Have I ever trapped you for money, name and status?

If you have loved her then why marry me?

Why make me feel like I am the worst person who broke someone's dreams?”

She questioned me with her weak voice. Her questions literally shattered my heart. She is the result of my prayers and patience. I never looked at any other girl as I look at Manvika.

“ No baby, you are the most beautiful and cherished person I have ever imagined. “ I tried to make her understand.

“Bitch, wrecker, gold digger, low class, jinxed, dirty politics these are the words they think I deserve. I haven't done anything to be called this way.”

She sobbed more with every word and her breathing is becoming harsh. Oh no if she continues sobbing she may fall ill. I have to take control of the situation.

“Baby listen, you haven't done anything. I am the one who wanted to marry you with all my will. Whatever they said is out of jealousy.”

I sat beside her and tried to hug her but she stopped me.I am explaining to her but she's so full of her agony to register my words.

“ If you still love her, you can leave me and marry her. We can part our ways.” she suggested looking blankly at the wall.

These words of her clouded my brain and only the ‘parting ways’ is registered. Her words infuriated me.

“Manvika, don't test my patience. I haven't loved her or anyone. Dare. You. Again.repeat . About. Parting away. Or. Leaving you.”

I said in a cold and intimidating voice. She is awakening the animal that is chained by her love.

“All my life I feared to trust anyone. When I started to trust you but you came out as a Betrayer. I don't know what sin I have committed to be tormented this way.”

She raised her voice by choking on her breath and crying hysterically. I held her hand and I dragged her down the stairs. She was resisting and trying to free herself.

Everyone left and only my family was sitting on the couch with worried faces. I left her wrist and we both stood in front of everyone.

“Maa, papa explain her that I never loved Ananya. That mother and daughter have filled her with false information and called her names. I am tired of explaining to her.”

I asked maa and papa with annoyance. Because she is not ready to believe me.

“Manvika beta, we are sorry on behalf of Vaidehi.”

My parents apologized her but she shaked her head as no.

Inhaling deeply papa started,

“It is true that Vaidehi proposed an alliance for Arjun tying knot with Ananya. But Arjun rejected the proposal. He was never interested in Ananya. By seeing our status, money and everything Vaidehi wanted to marry Ananya.

When we rejected her and married you they felt envious. They didn't even attend the marriage.

Whatever they say is false and they are toxic and hurted you. Forgive us for this.”

Papa explained to her and folded his hands to apologize to her again but before that Manvika held his hands.

“ She is not ready to listen to me and is like a great human asking me to leave her and marry that witch Ananya. Please knock some sense into her Maa.”

I complained about her to maa.

“Are you crazy Manvika? Who says like that? Arjun is your husband, you have to fight for your right, not give up.” Maa scolded her for suggesting parting ways.

“ But Raghvi maa they both accused me for snatching Arjun and I thought how sad Ananya felt to see her loved one with others. If they both love each other they should not be separated.”

Why is she adamant to break my heart? She is innocent and pure to think this way.

“ Bhabhi how good of you? You are too innocent.That bitch never loved Arjun Bhai. Leave this goodness. You could have retorted back.” Ashi slightly showed her disagreement.

“Ok, leave this matter. And Manvika, she will apologize to you.” papa said.

“No papa, she is older than me. There is no need for an apology.”

God this girl, why does she have to be this good? She has to learn that this world is not heaven with angels but hell with the devil's.

We all had our lunch but she ate less. We returned to our room. She is keeping distance from me.

I sat on the couch and looked at her. She is removing her jewelry and ignoring me.

Wow I haven't done anything and getting ignored and silent treatment from my wife. Maybe this married life.

“Baby after all clearing things you are ignoring me?”

I asked her desperately. I can bear anything but not her ignorance.

“I am not ignoring. I just want some time to understand things. I cannot forget their accusations.” She looked at me through the mirror.

Urgh why those bitches have to mess up my life? I have to do something to make them suffer. I have made them understand not to mess up with Arjun Ahuja and his belongings.

That's when a wicked thought popped in my brain. I immediately called Karan and went to the balcony to explain things to avoid my baby from listening.

Time passed and it was night. We had dinner, she was in the same bad mood. I know what she might have felt.

We are laying on bed and she is facing her back to me,ignoring. But when I circled her waist she didn't resist. At Least something is better than nothing.

Soon we both slept.

It was morning and the whole family was present in the living room. Bhabhi and Manvika are serving tea for everyone. Papa is reading news and maa is talking with her daughter in laws.

Ashi is busy eating Dhruv’s brain telling something which only she can understand. Adi Bhai and I indulged in our business talks.

Yeah we are investors. We invest our money in business. As we are enjoying ourselves. We all heard a car sound. Soon the person entered with hurried steps and tears in her eyes followed by her clone.

That is none other than my bua the great witch Vaidehi. I was waiting for her since morning.

She held my Papa's hands and started crying.

“Bhaiya, why have you done this? Why did you withdraw your shares from our business?”

Papa looked confused with her questions. And looked at me for a moment. I am the one who handles investments.

“ Vaidehi all investments were looked after by Arjun, ask him.” Papa diverted her to me.

“ Papa, I have withdrawn and invested those shares in karan’s company. See we do business, so profit is important.”

I tried to explain.

“But Arjun our company will go into loss. You own 40 percent of our company. Please don't do that. “ She pleaded with me by folding her hands.

I am enjoying her misery, she should understand with whom she messed with.

“You dare to make my wife cry. These are the consequences. I want your family on the roads and your business will definitely go into loss.” I said in a low voice only for her to listen. I smirked looking at the expressions drained from her face.

I held Manvika's hand and moved to our room leaving the miserable mother and daughter duo. This is what they deserve for giving pain to my wife.

My innocent baby looked at them with pity but didn't ask me anything.


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I am trying to create my little world with my fantasies and delusions through books. Come and join me in this journey.