34. Growing a year older


All the years I have been concealing my fears, insecurities, my weakness behind my smile. Never have I tried to show my fragility in front of anyone. Right now I feel like a complete failure for allowing my failed traits to over power.

I could have handled the situation wisely but I chose to mess up by triggering my senses with heinous thoughts of getting hurt. I have to stay indestructible, make myself well fortified to handle my problems.

In the back of my mind and depth of my heart I am tensed to face Arjun. How would I explain this to him? I am not ready to remember it all again and go through the immense pain.

The moment Arjun held me in the car I felt he was my savior. He could protect me from this pain. I didn't know when my senses went numb and I couldn't regain anything.

When I opened my eyes I was lying in a hospital bed and Arjun was sitting beside the bed. I didn't think this time it was the worst, unlike any other time. Usually I would take antidepressants and focus on my breathing.

And abruptly my thoughts went back to Prashant’s words, fear crept deep into my bones. No, no Manvika you can't give in to him. You have to fight for yourself. My heart voiced for me.

I inhaled deeply and opened my lashes feeling heavy and weak due to the effect of tablets. When I woke up the bed beside me was empty. Where did he go? My gaze shifted to a clock hanging on the wall. It ticked 9 in the morning.

Oh sh*t how can I wake up this late? It is my in-laws ' house and what they might be thinking. I hastily rushed to the washroom to take a quick shower.

I sprint down stairs, due to the weakness I felt dizzy and my steps tripped. Black spots were appearing due to giddiness. When I felt I would definitely hit the floor.

A strong muscular hand held my waist and pulled over him. Arjun saved me. With half closed eyes I gazed at his handsome face with concern and tension laced over.

“What is the need to rush down? I am just coming back to feed you. But you have to be adamant to tense me. “ Arjun was scolding me with unease.

Raghvi Maa came by listening to his voice from the kitchen and papa was getting ready to lecture Arjun for scolding me.

“Manvika beta, you could have called me if you needed anything. See you may get hurt.” Raghvi maa softly reprove me.

“I am sorry. I thought I slept more and was late for morning puja.” I slowly muttered, lowering my gaze down.

“ Are you crazy? Why do you have to take all the world on your shoulders? For god sake Manvi you are weak and under medication it's common to over sleep. “ Taunting me ,he made me sit on the chair.

“Arjun enough of your scolding let her eat something first.” Papa rebuked him. To which he rolled his eyes.

We all had breakfast and he made me take my medicines. I got used to tablets as I have been taking them very frequently so I don't have tantrums. I don't feel that I am that sick but he is overreacting.

Raghvi maa has taken leave from college. I felt bad because of me, their routine was disturbed. Raghvi maa and papa were taking good care of me. And my husband, he is overboard.

Giving strict instructions he went out, maybe to the office. I am alone in the room. Neha might be searching for me in college. I have to inform her, so I texted her. She didn't reply to me, might be busy.

I tried to keep myself sane without pondering my brain on the inciting incidents. I tried to read a book but tablets showed their effect and in no time I dozed off.

All my day passed by Raghvi maa feeding me, resting and boring to be honest. I am not a patient why these people are treating me like I have a chronic disease.

Soon it was evening and I was sitting in the living room along with my in-laws. Arjun's voice bloomed in the room , he would be super energetic every time.

We all had snacks and tea while chatting. We both return to our room. He jumped on the bed like a kid and I sat on the edge of the bed.

“Suno…there is a dress in the closet, wear that and get ready we don't have time.” he implored all of sudden.

“Where? And why? “ I questioned him.

“For once can't you obey my words. It's a small get together with friends. We are going.” He explained it to me.

Without arguing further I went to the closet and there was a beautiful, elegant white dress. I took the dress and went out to him.

“Don't you think it will be too overdressed to wear this dress just for a get together?” I queried him doubtfully.

“No…I want my wife to be outstanding among all. So it will never be overdressed.” He said without paying attention to me.

Huffing with frustration I went to get ready. And the dress fit me well like it was made just for my size. I gave it a once over look and came out.

Noticing me he lifted his face to look at me. His eyes were widened and staring at me without even blinking. This is making me self-conscious.

“Am I that ugly in this dress? Stop looking at me.” By my words he blinked his eyes.

"You are looking gorgeous. If you look this beautiful, I would definitely have a heart attack with your beauty. I have to be more careful.” He shamelessly ogled at me.

I rolled my eyes at his flirting and he went to get ready. After 5 minutes he came out wearing a white shirt. Shirt sleeves rolled up to his forearms with two buttons open giving a hot view of his hard chest and messy hair. Wearing his favorite watch and his signature cologne cedarwood.

“Baby if you're done with eye fcvking me can we go.” This idiot caught me drooling over him. But what can I do if he is this blazing hot.

“Don't you think you are showing double standards? When I was looking at my wife you said I am shameless and now you are staring at me.” He huskily said in my ear to which the hair on my neck rose.

He is good with words and I can't keep up with him. Informing Raghvi maa and papa we went out.

All the drive I was asking where we are going but he has to be clandestine. I was sulking at his ignorance. Soon we arrived at our so-called get together.

He opened my side door and extended his hand for me. Gladly I gave mine and he closed my eyes with his hands like a blindfold and made me walk.

“What are you doing? Why have you closed my eyes?” I was continuously questioning him. He is behaving suspiciously. What is he up to?

He took care of me not to stumble my steps and after walking a good distance he slowly removed his hands from my eyes.

I adjusted my eyes to the light and opened them wide. A loud gasp left my mouth. Because the view in front of me is no less than a shock and a surprise.

It is a beautiful outdoor sight. It is a breathtakingly scenic place. There was a lake surrounding a large green tree and grass. All the trees were gleaming with fairy lights. Illuminating lanterns hang on the branches which are emitting yellow light.

Mattresses were laid on the floor with cushions. Roses were decorated to beautify the environment. The smell of scented candles fill the air. It is completely romantic.

But wait, why is a happy birthday board hanging on a tree trunk? Whose birthday is it?

If it's someone's birthday then why were we the first to arrive? The numerous questions raised in my mind.

“Whose birthday is today? And why were we the first to arrive?” I shot him with my doubts.

That's when I heard a group of people singing happy birthday songs in unison. Slowly my sight fell on the source of voice. A wide smile crept on my face seeing Neha, Pallavi di, Tara. Even Karan, Gaurav, Farhan and Virat jiju are following them.

But my sight fell only on my girls. I turned towards him and he was smiling softly looking at me.

“Happy Birthday my love. I am glad I got a chance to celebrate your birthday. “ He whispered in my ear, kissing the side of my forehead.

Is it my birthday today? I have forgotten this day, I feel it is one of the ominous days in my life when I lost my mumma. It's been 16 years since I have celebrated my birthday.

Last I celebrated my birthday was when I was 4. That was the only memory that lasted in my heart about mumma. My gaze fell on the bracelet which mumma gave me on my birthday.

Unknowingly a tear slipped from my eyes and my thumb traced the bracelet on my wrist. From then I stopped celebrating my birthday and papa never tried to question me.

But after all these years, this is the first time I realized it's my birthday. How did he know my birthday? Who told him?

“How do you know today is my birthday?” I asked him.

“How can I not know my little wife's birthday? At Least I know minor details about you ,unlike the things you hide from me.” I know what he is taunting about. I remained mum fearing that what if he asked about my past.

“If you have completed your romance, can we join your celebrations?” Gaurav teased us.

That's when I realized everyone was waiting for us. Neha jumped into a hug and sang happy birthday loudly. This girl is never gentle but i like her. Followed by Tara and pallavi di.

“Happy Birthday little puppy girl…” Karan, Gaurav, Farhan wished me. What's wrong with them? Who is the little puppy girl?

I gave a quizzed look to Arjun while he was glaring at them. But they ignored him like a mat outside the door.

When we were enjoying ourselves and pulling each other's leg, the waiter bought cake. It's a cheesecake. How did he know the smallest details of my liking?

“Baby let's cut the cake.” He said shift beside me.

I cut the cake and everyone hooted. I forwarded the first bite to Arjun but he fed me first. After that I fed everyone.

“Guys, attention please ... .I want to confess something.” Arjun said by clinking the glass.

“ Firstly, thank you for joining our happiness and making this evening more special.

Manvika I know it is an arranged marriage and you didn't know about me before. You may be having expectations of your partner and may have many complaints.

But you never object to anything and try to give this marriage a chance and to me. I promise that I will fulfill my responsibility and try to reach your expectations. I will never give you a chance to complain.

Happy Birthday my sweetheart “

His confession made me emotional. When no one cared about my feelings and emotions here this man promising me a lifetime.

Unpredictably he placed his lips on mine. I was taken back with his abrupt kiss. He is definitely shameless. His friends and my sister were all present . He is unabashedly kissing me.

He held my nape and deepened the kiss sucking my lips giving gentle yet deep strokes. I didn't reciprocate the kiss. I am embarrassed , ashamed to kiss infront of everyone.

He kissed me for a moment. Everyone was hollering. I hide my face in his neck, not able to face their teasing gazes. He circled his arms to hug me like protecting.

How will I face Neha and Pallavi di? He made me feel comfortable and we had dinner together. After that I was talking with Tara and pallavi di.

Neha and Arjun were discussing something. Like they are long lost best friends.

“When did two cats join hands? All the while fighting like kids and stressing me now gossiping huh…” I teased them to which Karan joined me in my support.

“Ohh now he got another best friend that too this wild cat,” Karan teased Neha.

That's it Neha burst on him getting ready to fight. “Who is the wild cat? You don't have manners. You are wild and indecent. Yeah Arjun and I were best friends and close friends.”

Their banter continued and they fought like a husband and wife. I didn't ever dream that I will be happy one day and will have family in the name of friends.

I am content but the memory of mumma is not leaving my thoughts. It is one of the reasons for not celebrating my birthday. I try to forget the day. After 16 years I remembered my birthday. I can't ignore his efforts in making me happy.

It was near to midnight and I was sitting with my husband holding his hand and everyone was chatting.

“Are you happy?” He asked me all of a sudden.

“ Do you know? I haven't celebrated my birthday since I was 5.” I don't know why but I want him to know that.

He thinned his eyebrows and asked me”why?”

“I don't feel like celebrating. And I am happy not because I am celebrating my birthday but because I am with you.” I blurted.

His lips stretched into a beautiful smile. Kissed my forehead.

Thank you God for sending this person. Please keep him happy. I prayed to God in my heart.


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Hello everyone.... I am trying to create a little world through books. I hope my little books be fascinating to you and try to lighten up your mood. I hope you'll support me in this journey and be with me. Thank you will little.🦋🦋🦋

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I am trying to create my little world with my fantasies and delusions through books. Come and join me in this journey.