30. Panic attack


I felt the warmth and my senses hit the same cologne that is cedarwood. I slowly opened my eyes to see the morning light but when I opened my eyes it was dark.

It is hard to. When the wall moved beside our bed or the bed moved to the wall? I was confused. When I opened my eyes completely and lifted my face from the duvet he was cuddling me.

My face was snuggled in his chest and my hand circled on his waist. His hand was on my back. Like our bodies were intertwined with each other.

After struggling a lot I came out of his hold. He is more heavy while sleeping. With my movements he stirred in his sleep. I straightened on the bed and my sight fell on his chest.

Oh my god is he sleeping naked? He was not wearing any shirt. My heartbeats fastened looking at his bare chest. Did we do it? If not then why was he sleeping with nothing on? Suddenly I looked at my body in the duvet and felt relieved that my clothes were on.

“ don't worry baby without your consent nothing gonna happen.” he looked at me lazily. His morning voice sent shivers down my spine. I felt a slight wet down there. His voice is my turn on.

“Then why are you sleeping without a shirt?” I tried to enquire with timidness. I didn't dare to look at him.

“This is how I sleep. But after marriage I thought you may feel uncomfortable so I was not sleeping without a shirt.” He tried to explain by keeping his hands under his head and stretching his neck.

His neck bone movement was extremely attractive to me, I gulped looking at him as my throat went dry. Manvika you should be asking the reason not drooling over him. My mind remained with me.

“Then what changed now. Until last night you slept with a shirt on.” I don't know why I am questioning him when I am complacent with him.

“I don't think after our kiss you will be sensing any discomfort.” he said while raising his eyebrow.

“ I me…I mean it…it's not like I am feeling discomfort.” Ugh why am I stumbling with my words. This man is a hard nut.

Suddenly I realized I am feeling loose on my chest. And now I remembered I am not wearing a Brasserie. With that I clutched the duvet tightly against my chest.

That means we both have been cuddling all night and he might have felt boobs. Sh*t what's wrong with me. I cursed myself in my mind.

“Baby I felt them all night so don't worry. By the way, they are extremely soft.” He teased me. Maybe he sensed my realization.

Heat rose from my neck to face. This is embarrassing. I flipped my hair on either side of my chest to cover and ran to wash without even glancing at his face.

I shut the door and leaned against the door frame. My heart beats were at a rocket speed. I calmed myself and did my morning routine.

Peaking out of the room he was not there. Feeling relieved I went downstairs to the kitchen to prepare some coffee. After a while he descended the stairs and sat on the couch.

This is awkward but I can't ignore him. I passed him the coffee mug and sat beside him keeping a minimum distance.

It's fine manvika, he is your husband. There is nothing weird about it. It's just new to you. I calmed myself down. Turn the TV on.

My eyes went wide listening to the news. It's not like I watch the news everyday but quite often I will go through it.

My thoughts were blocked and my mind went blank by the news.

Rahul Dubey, architecture student of XYZ University , son of Sunil Dubey who is also a businessman, passed away at midnight in a terrible accident.

His reckless driving cost his life. Information says that he was driving rashly and also drunk.’

The news almost jarred me. Somewhere I felt maybe I am the passive reason for his death. A line of tears rolled from my eyes.

“I hate him but I didn't wish him to die. I didn't do anything. I don't despise him to death. He made mistakes that doesn't mean he has to die.” I panicked by listening to the news.

Sensing my state, Arjun sat beside me.Arjun hugged me tightly and patted my back.

“Hey listen, it's not your fault. It's him who drove rashly. You haven't done anything to calm down baby.”

His words mollified me. I calmed my heavy breaths and muttered slowly.

“Maybe due to my rejection he got depressed and got into an accident. “

With that he pulled back “ look Manvika it's your choice with whom you want to be. It's your right to say no. He is at fault.”

It made sense but I felt guilt. I prayed to God by joining my hands and closed my eyes.

“ Baby, what are you doing?” he questioned me.

“I am praying for his soul to rest in peace. Let his soul find the right path and rest in paradise.” I said to him,

“My innocent baby, you are so naive to this world. You are such a pure soul.” He said and kissed my forehead.

“How ever he may be but after death when the soul leaves the body it is pure. All the sins were made by his body and heart. Soul is unalloyed.”I explained to him.

“Baby, let's focus on us. Let bygones be bygones. Shall we go for a long drive.?” He is kind of irritated with Rahul’s conversation.

But suddenly going for a long drive is not a bad idea. Even I want to escape from this emotional stress. So I agreed to this.

“Ok but where are we going?” I enquired.

“I haven't decided yet. We will see on our way.” He never plans anything prior.

I forgot the morning incident,no he made me comfortable. We had breakfast. We changed to go out.

He took me to the parking lot. My eyes laid on black Ashley Martin car. This is a freaking devil may care type. This is screaming luxury and racing.

“ Baby it's speed can make you scream but not more than me.” He teased me. I understood what he meant. I ignored him and we both settled in.

When he accelerated the vroom sound of the engine itself gave goosebumps. He was slow at the start but after that the speed was insane. It's like we are flying in the air.

“ Arjun slowed down the speed. It scares me.” Yelling at him I held his wrist tightly and closed my eyes.

“Baby this is a sports car without speed there is no thrill. It's not at least 20 percent of the race speed.” He is mad that if we drive at this speed our souls will definitely reach heaven.

My heart is beating at insane speed due to this adrenaline rush. By looking at my condition he slowed down. I glared at him for doing this with me.

“Acha sorry baby.” He pleased me.

After that drive became interesting and I adjusted to speed and I am enjoying it now.

All of sudden my stomach growled. I didn't eat breakfast properly as I was in a bad mood. Arjun turned his head listening to my growls. I felt embarrassed.

“I am feeling hungry, let's have something.” Not to make me feel awkward, he proposed that. Without any option I nodded.

He stopped car near a cafe and bought smoothies, and pastries in the car itself. Pastries are tempting and mouth watering.

I hastily took a bite to devour the taste. Creamy, fluffy pastries melted in my mouth. As I was busy enjoying the taste of them I looked at Arjun who was looking back at me by smiling.

“Haven't you bought for yourself.” I enquired as he is not eating anything.

“I am fine. You can have it.” He said, now I understand he bought all these for me. So I forwarded a bite for him. Which he took.

Completing everything we drove again. I am feeling good and light. My heart feels at peace realizing it's not my fault if Rahul has passed away.I should not make myself feel guilty.

When I feel nothing can go wrong at a point of life where things are in their place and I can feel at peace, life again throws me back into the circle of pain and trauma.

When I feel I can overcome my fears, insecurities and dark past someone has to fcvkup. My trepidation is true.

Arjun is focusing on the road and comfortable silence occupied between us. I was lost in my thoughts when my phone rang. The ringtone of my phone pulled back from my chain of thoughts.

The caller id is unknown. Arjun didn't pay attention to it. I decided to lift the call. Unknown numbers creep the sh*t out of me. I had enough terror of them.

Gathering the courage to lift the call I kept the phone near my ear. My heart is thumping loudly. What if it is him? Is he back again to mess up my life?

“Hello” I tried to sound normal so as not to gain Arjun's attention.

“Hi baby girl….have you forgotten me?” The person on call spoke. It's him. I can't erase that voice from my brain even if I want.

I was silent all the while.

“I know babygirl you are listening to me. Dare you to disconnect the call. I am missing you badly. Did you think I would leave as you got married to that idiot?” He spoke with his disgusting,creepy voice.

Now my fingers started to tremble and my palm and forehead was sweating badly. But I am trying to focus on my breath not fall back into the loop of fear.

“I want to feel you and be inside you. After touching you my heart wants more of you. I lost my chance back then but I won't spare you until I get what I want.”

His words were like insects crawling on my body and hair rose on my skin. These are giving chills in my spine. No no Manvika doesn't remember that incident, you are strong, you can face this, my heart is screaming.

“How long can I jerk myself by seeing your photo,baby girl? I want to taste you, that skin of yours looks tempting. And Don't be smart to do anything. you still know right that I have your photos.I can do anything with them like morphing.”

With his words bile formed in my stomach and the urge to puke is getting stronger. A lump has formed in my throat and I am shivering badly.

“NO PLEASE DON'T DO THAT. NO, NO” I was shouting but the call got disconnected.

By looking at me Arjun was tense and he stopped the car on the side of the road. He is holding my shoulders and shaking me. But I was a lost case.

Tears were flowing continuously blurring my vision. Nothing is coming in my sight. Arjun's face was blur.My breaths were short. I am trembling badly.

I am fidgeting my palms tightly so that my nails are piercing deep into the skin and my knuckles have turned white. I am trying to control those harsh memories not to flood back.

WHY? WHY? He returned to my life. I didn't harm anyone, so why is it happening to me? No, no,no I don't want to go all through again. Please someone save me, my heart is helplessly begging.

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Hello everyone.... I am trying to create a little world through books. I hope my little books be fascinating to you and try to lighten up your mood. I hope you'll support me in this journey and be with me. Thank you will little.🦋🦋🦋

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I am trying to create my little world with my fantasies and delusions through books. Come and join me in this journey.