27. Manvika rejects Rahul

I saved myself unlike last time. My heart is thumping loudly like it would explode any moment. I am panting heavily with sudden commotion.That idiot Rahul scared the sh*t out of me.

What were his intentions? Why did he behave that way? Until now everything was fine between us. Or only I am feeling everything was fine?

With this incident I recalled everything from my sophomore year. He was doing unwanted favours,tried to communicate even when it's not necessary, stopping my way, and now why from my group only I was in his team and especially his assistant.

Oh god now I understood everything he is hitting on me. But what happened just now was creepy, spooky. Should I complain to the higher authorities about his misbehaviour? But he will be leaving college anyway,so I won't come across him.

But Manvika, you should raise your voice for yourself. You can't stay silent. You have made this mistake before also. Don't be a coward. My inner voice is not calming. I want to fight but what will everyone think about me? Do they think it's my fault?

I went directly to the parking lot because if Neha saw me she would definitely find my odd behaviour. She will not leave until I spill the beans.Then she would not spare that moron.

I felt safe,secured by seeing Arjun. I don't know why I feel protected with him. Like he is the only infusion for my every problem. I want his comfort.

“You are looking worried. Is everything fine? You are sweating badly baby.” By wiping my sweat on forehead with his hankey he asked me. Do I need to tell him? No,no I can't.

By plastering a fake smile “everything is fine. Just over worked for tomorrow's college fest.” I lied to him.

He nodded and drove home. But my brain is clouded with thoughts of the auditorium incident.

“Looks like someone is in deep thought to notice that we have reached home.” When I looked around, Arjun was waiting for me by opening the car door.

“Huh what did you say?” I didn't hear him. I was so indulged in my thoughts. He shakes his head at my carelessness.

After that time passed like any other night. With dinner, little talks, sleeping comfortably.

I am feeling some unknown trepidation about going to college. What if Rahul does something? Ok this time I won't step back if he misbehaves with me. I promised myself and got ready for the college.

Arjun dropped me at college and drove to his office. Every corner of the college and its surroundings are decorated as it will be the last to enjoy and embellish.

On my way I met Neha. She is super energetic like everyday. She is even a volunteer but under a different team. So she was supposed to work with them.

“ Neha yaar Aaj tum mere saath hi rahoge. Kahi nahi jayenge” (Neha yaar today you will stay with me. You will not go anywhere.)Generally she will be clinging to me but today it's different.

She gave me a surprised look and nodded to my demand. We both went to our respective works which was cross checking the sound system, looking after the schedule, decorations.

Whole the time I tried to avoid Rahul but he is constantly staring at me. I made myself so busy that I did not talk with him even accidentally. Our equations changed just in a day.

Before I used to have respect for him. He is Hardworking and topper of the course. Above all he is my senior. But his one act made me to disguise him to the core.

Celebrations started, speeches, performances, acts were going in queue. Environment is filled with high energy, loud sounds, paper blasts, and loud cheers.

I don't like all these but I am struck here. I would prefer peace than this loud enjoyment.

Finally all the Chaos came to an end. It's done. There will be no nonsense for another year. All were dispersing to hostels, to their home. Even I gathered my things and dumped them in my bag to go home, my serenity.

I was taken back when a strong hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards the out of the auditorium like I am a doll. It is Rahul. His hold is painful, definitely would leave marks.

Neha was trying to stop him by following us. Panic crept deep into my heart. Last time, he gave me enough terror. Neha is constantly yelling at him to leave me and also threatening him.

Finally after long dragging he left my hand. And stood opposite to me. I heard loud cheers around us. To discover the source of sound I lifted my lashes.

It made me even more dreadful. All Rahul's classmates,friends and some of the seniors, even my group mates were there. I examined the surroundings. It was decked up beautifully with balloons, ribbons, and flowers.

I got a slight idea of what he is upto. Neha was standing beside me. Small garden area in college was now decorated and with these loud cheers the students who were returning have joined this.

I am busy examining the people encircling me. That when crowd started to cheer ,


I looked back at Rahul who bent one knee on the ground and another one folded. He was holding a ring in his hand. This was unexpected from him after what he had done. The audacity of this man huh.

“ Manvika, you know me just as a senior. But you're more than a junior to me. When I lost myself in search of unknown emotions I met you like a home. I was a wanderer until I met you.you stopped me from getting lost in an unknown path.

First I thought it was just a mere attraction but the day I don't see you I fear that it will be lost again. I know you never knew this but I deserve a chance. It's been 3 years if I didn't confess now I may miss you for a lifetime.

I love you Manvika. If you say yes I will not be adrift again. Will you be mine forever?”

Rahul's confessions made me struck between hate and forgiveness. But suddenly Arjun’s smiling face came to mind. No,no I am married. My husband will be waiting for me.

I hate Rahul to the core but his words made me forgive him. No Manvika he doesn't deserve your forgiveness for what he has done.

He was waiting for my reply. My answer is simple: I don't like him. Come on Manvika rejected him, my mind encouraged me.

“Rahul you might feel something for me but I didn't see you from that perspective not even for a second. Until yesterday I used to respect you as a senior but not anymore for what you have done. Don't replace respect with hate.” I calmly said to him. It's a rejection. As I completed it, suddenly the environment became silent. Everyone became still.

“Well Done Anvi.” Neha patted my shoulder. I turned my face to look at Rahul who was flaring with anger and gritting his teeth.

“ What did you say, you hate me right? You don't love me back?” Rahul questioned me with a raised voice.

“ Are you deaf? She clearly rejected you.” This girl Neha, taunted Rahul.

“Manvika Kulkarni…! Until I spoke with you, until I noticed you no one knew you. Not even a single professor knew you exist in college. It's me who made you popular.” Bawling at me he laughed sarcastically.

This triggered my last nerve very seriously. I didn't need him to get recognition. I can make my name. I don't want any one.

“Who the h*ll told you to follow me like a puppy? Did I ever do anything to get your attention? It's you who is behind me. Feel great that I didn't complain against you for what you did to me.

To get recognition I depend on myself rather than getting help from an idiot like you. Here comes your true personality. And you claim to love me?”

I feel extreme rage by listening to him. He is crossing his limits. I can stand for myself. I need to reply to his allegations.

“ Oh I know girls like you will stoop to any level. You did everything and now blame me. Stop your drama. I don't know how many men you have attracted like me and trap them?” He is trying to save his topper reputation in the college.

But how can he malign my character like that? When I turned my head towards the crowd my sight fell on Arjun who was waiting for me in the parking lot.

I marched towards him. His face lit up with a smile but I dragged him by holding his forearm towards Rahul. He is confused due to my actions.

We both stood in the middle of the crowd. Neha gave a smirk to Rahul. Arjun is giving a questioning look.

“What were you talking about? I trap men right. So here is my husband Arjun Ahuja. Ask all your queries to him. Kindly he will explain to you.” I dared Rahul by holding Arjun's arm tightly.

All the while Arjun never questioned me but glared at Rahul. No words were left out from Rahul's mouth.

“What are you talking baby? Who dared to question you? “ Murdering Rahul with his eyes, Arjun spoke.

He circled my waist and gently pulled me towards him. Everyone started gossiping. Whispers were echoing.

“Oh along with me you trapped one more. Good game Manvika. I thought you were an innocent and simple girl.” Rahul dared to degrade me.

“Dare you b*stard to say a single word against my wife. You will be done here itself.” Arjun yelled at him. I was startled. But Arjun pecked my cheek.

Heat rose to my cheeks with his peck. Everyone was looking at us with bulged eyes. Who would not, when a simple, calm, taciturn girl of college was kissed openly.

Rahul's face paled out with Arjun's warning. He didn't utter a word.

“ Let's go home. I don't want you to get stressed from these useless people.” By saying Arjun walked.

“I need to clear some things before I leave. Please wait a minute” I tried to stop him. He nodded.

“Rahul, you have degraded me, called me names, tried to make false allegations. You know I never did any of them. You know I am not wrong and what you have done to me. After all this you claim to love me.

This is not love. Love is what my husband does. Even when he knew you proposed to me and alleged me with different things he didn't believe,in return he supported me and took stand for me.

Having trust is love.”

Clearly saying everything to him I signalled Arjun to go. Neha and I followed him.

“Oh my god Anvi you are a superstar. You played the whole movie for him. I am proud of you.” Neha cheered.

“ Hey Miss, are you not angry with my baby?” Arjun turned back and asked Neha.

“My name is Neha not miss. Why would I be angry with Anvi? It's you who came between us.” this girl will never change.

“Yeah yeah someone was mad at my baby and showed tantrums.” Arjun further taunted Neha.

Neha was getting ready to declare war on Arjun. I have to stop them.

“Guys stop this. No one made me angry and I am not mad at anyone.” I irritatedly said to both of them.

After that Neha retired and we both went back home. All the while I mentally cursed my courage because how will I explain to Arjun and how to go to college?

Will Arjun understand me? It's not like I am at fault. God please save me.


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I am trying to create my little world with my fantasies and delusions through books. Come and join me in this journey.