23. Arjun gets angry on Manvika

I removed her reading glasses which were resting on her nose and placed them on the side table. When I turned to take the book laying on her chest.

I got more curious about what she might be reading by forgetting her surroundings. When my eyes laid on the book I was stunned by looking at the book cover.

Fcvk she was reading a dark romance suspense thriller. I opened the page and she marked that page with a bookmark and my eyes skimmed through a few lines of the page.

Aries fill my senses with your thursts. Lanie says by panting heavy and feeling his fingers deep inside her curling.

It contains some highly mature content. I never knew my baby bird was into all this and enthralled by all this. Somewhere I have been taking a step back from initiating anything.

In the back of mind it is running that she might be not aware of all the things But here she is reading dark romance. Now I got an idea that she is not innocent, how cute she appears to be.

Baby now get ready for toe curling pleasures, because I am going to do all the things you read. I said to her, "Who is sound asleep?"

I shifted her to lay comfortably on the bed with the moments she stirred but adjusted soon. I laid beside her admiring her soon to fall asleep.


I woke from sleep after feeling like I slept for a week. Last day was exhausting mentally and physically. I turned to my right to glance at the man in whose arms I was crying like a baby.

I got ready for the day as he planned to go out. And prepared breakfast. He woke up late. We both had breakfast in silence. He smirked while looking at me. It is notorious.

“Kaha Jaa rahe ho hum?” (Where we going?)

I questioned him because I am curious to know.

“You can decide it. Where ever you want.” He gave me choice but I seriously don't know where we can hangout.

“Umm I don't know.” I said while clearing the dining table.

“ Ok then we can decide on our way. First let's go.” By saying he picked his car keys and I followed him.

We both settled in the car. Suddenly he leaned towards me. With his unexpected move I was startled. He is still leaning closer , dangerously closer.

Our faces were inches away from each other. His brown eyes are piercing into me. His single stare is holding extreme power to weaken my knees.

All of sudden I was feeling suffocating with this closeness and my lips were parted to take in the air with effort.

“What are you doing?” It came out like a whisper.

He didn't reply. He softly blew air on my face. I am feeling tickling and something tightened in my stomach with this act. A click sound distracted me from him.

I realized he had secured seat belt and moved back.”What did you expect wifey?” he questioned me by smiling seeing his effect on me.

“ I didn't expect anything.” for a moment I felt he would kiss me. The thought itself made me blush.

He started to drive and stopped at a flower shop. He bought Red and pink carnation bouquet.

He passed the bouquet to me. These flowers have a bright hue with stratified petals and a calomorous texture.

One doubt crossed my mind the moment he gave me flowers. I like getting flowers from him very often. This made me feel good even. But why is he giving me flowers?

It's not like we are boyfriend and girlfriend to exchange all these. We are married so what is needed?

“Umm can I ask you one thing?” I want to clear it.

“ Go ahead,” he said by starting the car.

“ Why do you often give me flowers? It's not like we are lovers and we are married. What is the need of it?” I calculatedly spoke.

He sighed ,” flowers are the symbol of love, affection, friendship,care. Flowers have power in themselves to make a dull life filled with its colors and fragrance.Flowers don't compete with the next flower but blossoms. We have to follow that. Love is like dried flowers sometimes even though you watch the petals shrink and change color but at last you treasure it. To give flowers you need not be a lover, just little love, care are enough. You are that one I want to make feel special. Even if I turn seventy I will give you flowers. Flowers are not just for their fragrance but also appreciation.”

The way he said it made me feel something shifting in my heart for him. Am I special to him? But another query is why he gave me carnations. I know each and every flower has its significance like red roses for love, white for peace, yellow for friendship.

“But why red carnations only?” I asked him.

He smiled a little and replied.” carnations convey fascination. Red carnations symbolize admiration,love and affection, devotion. I mean that for you.”

This revelation made my eyes wide that I could not stop myself from asking him “ do you love me?”

“Don't you feel that? “ He questioned me in return. I don't know how to react because I never thought about being in love and giving the same to anyone. All my life the only thing I received is hate and pain.

“I have seen some couples in our college exchanging flowers on valentine's day. I have never received any.” I tried to divert him.

“ Now you get flowers quite often not only as a lover but also as a wife and maybe as a mother in future.” The word mother made me feel different things. Imagining my own babies and my Mumma.Why does he have to be this tricky every time?

I didn't dare to utter a single word because it might lead somewhere.

Finally he halted the car and this gave me a relief to escape from this suffocation.


When she asked if I loved her ,I wanted to say to her not just love but more than obsession. I wanted to make her feel special and what place she holds in my life.

I planned to watch a movie with her. It is my long time wish so why not make it happen today. I bought suspense thriller movie tickets. I wanted to watch a romantic movie after knowing what she frequently reads.

First she opposed watching a movie by giving boring reasons but I insisted on her. I don't understand what will be running in her Little brain. She has terrible mood swings.

We watched a movie. And after that we went shopping.

“Baby buy whatever you want? I have never seen you shopping like Ashi does.”

“Actually I don't like buying things which are not necessary. I am fine with minimal” I know that she doesn't waste money.

“ But I want to spoil you baby.” I tried to say. She rolled her eyes at me.

After that, she ignored me and went shopping for jewelry,clothes, bags, cosmetics and some books too.

Now my hands were filled with numerous bags and struggling to carry them. I doubt her being minimalist now. I don't have any problem paying bills but these are too many.

When we are done and it's time to pay bills she forwarded her card to cashier. I am taken back why she is paying bills?

“What are you doing Manvika? “ she ignored me.By saying I struggle to take out my card by handling bags. She asked the cashier to make it fast. I glared at her and forwarded my card to pay bills. I have paid bills.

“I can pay my bills.” She gave me an angry glare by taking her card back.

This literally triggered me. No to burst my anger on her I went back to the car and she followed me furiously. I felt like she was treating me like a stranger or something I can't afford.

I took deep breaths and calm downed myself before facing her. She is silent and to avoid any fight I drove to a restaurant to have lunch. It is past afternoon and I am feeling hungry.

Maybe after having lunch I can feel better. She is silent all the while.

I mean it's my responsibility to take care of my wife and look after her needs. It might be financial, emotional, physical. Even to pay bills she is not earning yet.

I know she might be using her father's money but I can't accept my wife being dependent on her family even after marriage. I want her to be independent and financially stable before that let me take care of her.

I pulled a chair for her and without looking at me she sat down. Wow firstly fought with me and now showing tantrums.

With your wife you can't even fight. I forwarded the menu to her.

“ I don't want to eat anything. I don't want to order.” She is behaving like it's all my fault.

I ordered the food according to her taste. I have observed what she eats the most. Waiter served the food and what made me even more furious was that she refused to eat.

“Baby I am giving you two options: either eat by yourself or I am going to feed you. Choose what you want.” I said with a stern voice.

By that she started eating and after a bite looked at me.

“What is your problem? What's wrong with me paying bills? I can manage my bills.” She said coldly.

I don't want to discuss it here and I want time to make her understand. With that we completed our lunch.

What she made next reached my indignation to another level. Why does she have to be this stubborn? I have clearly said not to do that but who is she after all?

Probably I have to teach her a lesson which she can remember for longtime.


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I am trying to create my little world with my fantasies and delusions through books. Come and join me in this journey.