21. Is it my fault?

Rahul spoiled my mood. My whole day went with back to back lectures and reviewing the thesis which my professor gave me. As I am doing a part time job.

I am exhausted with all this work. I badly need caffeine to ease this stress. I haven't met Neha again after having a small conversation with her in the morning. Even though she is busy with her work. Mostly her classes will be outdoors. Journalism is so tough.

Journalists don't care about themselves. They even risk their lives to convey the news. I am proud of Neha because she works hard outdoors without concern about how the weather might be.

My college is over and I am heading towards parking. My husband Arjun will definitely be waiting to pick me up. Never these days he failed to skip that.

Hanging my bag with no energy I dragged myself towards him. I don't know why I get tired easily.

My face lit up just by seeing him. He will never be late. Everyday he will be waiting for me in the parking lot. He never made me wait for him, instead he does that.

Unknown solace filled me. All my weariness flew away by gazing at him. Why does he have to be this handsome all the time?

He is standing by leaning on his car side by supporting his left arm and scrolling through his phone. I don't know what is interesting about his phone. He was literally staring at it.

By gazing at him I understood he is also tired like me. His hair is falling on his forehead giving him a hot look. Sleeves of the shirt were rolled up to his forearms and the shirt was not tucked in pants like morning.

What interested me was his watch. He never misses wearing it. Ok Manvika, enough of you noticing him. I realized I was gawking at him.

Coming out of my delusions I walked towards him. As I was near he noticed me and straightened and gave a small smile.

“ How long have you been waiting for me?” I questioned him.

“ It doesn't matter. If it's you I can wait for a lifetime.” Uff how cheesy.

“Can you stop flirting? It's so cheesy.” By saying I made a face.

“I am not flirting. I am serious about it.” Saying he stepped near to me and tucked my hair strand behind my ear.

This act of his made my cheeks crimson. We are two steps apart. Now this is making me nervous.

“Arjun, we are in college. Someone might notice us.” I don't know why my voice is like a whisper. He didn't say anything.It's all because of him. It makes my heart beat fast with the proximity.

By that he stepped back and took my college bag from me.

“You are looking tired baby. Come let's go.” he brushed his thumb on my cheek. He is bold. He never cares about anyone.

But what made me thunderstruck was Neha's voice.

“MANVIKA WHO IS HE?” She was literally shouting at me. She was coming towards me with rage. I think she is going to the hostel. But to my misfortune to go to the hostel we want across the parking lot.

This is not what I am expecting to happen. I am not ready to answer her right now. Today it is completely a tragedy for me. Morning with Rahul and now it's Neha.

Arjun was perplexed with her shrek. He is gazing at Neha and me. He doesn't know she is Neha, my friend.

Neha stood beside me and dragged me a step back from Arjun. Arjun stood opposite to me with a shocked face without having any idea of what's happening.

“Anvi, is he your boyfriend? From how only this is going on? How can you hide it from me? How can you betray me?”

This is expected from Neha. In a single breath she shot me with her questions. She is angry, slightly sad with this new disclosure.

She is quite possessive about me. Even before I tried to answer her questions she started,

“ And you mister, what do you think you can fool her and betray her. She is innocent so you are targeting her with your lies. But I won't allow you to succeed with your plan.”

With her allegations Arjun seems to be angry and controlling himself. But what I didn't expect was his outburst.

“SHE IS MY WIFE AND I AM HER HUSBAND FOR GOD SAKE.” Arjun spoke every word stressing.

Since the day college reopened I have been praying for this not to happen and handle this in a matured way. Disclosing about Arjun to Neha in a sensible way. But things turned out to be worse.

I don't know how she will react. As Arjun said Neha loosened her grip on my shoulder and stepped back.

“ I know this is one of your tricks. But you can't fool me. Look at Anvi in front of you, he is openly lying. Does he think of me as an idiot? Have some shame mister.” Neha is something else. I thought she would burst on me but she didn't believe it.

This triggered Arjun more.” Why would I lie about Manvika being my wife? Hey Miss this is the truth. She is Manvika Arjun Ahuja.” Arjun is no less than Neha in retording back.

I have been silently watching them defending each other. I don't know how to clear this. So I am thinking how to calm them.

“ I have seen many like you. Who would cheat on and use girls. Maybe you are trying to do that with Manvika but I am there to protect her.” Now it's getting beyond limits.

Arjun is cheating on me. I can't even imagine that. He has been very caring, supportive to me.

“NEHA…! It's true that I am married to Arjun.” I said with high pitch. Because both are not stopping with their argument and in between them I am suffering.

“Anvi now even you started…! If you like him it's okay there is no need to lie and support him. And your marriage without me, it's impossible.How can you get married and even within a month it's not possible.” Neha is not ready to believe it.

By my revelation Arjun gave a smirk as his point is true. But Neha is not ready to accept the reality.

With no option I slowly took out my mangalsutra from my shirt which I have been hiding properly and showed it.

That's it Neha's face gave away her expressions and took a step back and said,

“ I am getting late. I have to go.” She mumbled and went towards the hostel.

I don't know how to explain to her. How to calm her and make my point understand. She is the most important person to me because she was there when I had panic attacks and handled me. She has been protective about me since childhood and definitely it is a huge thing for her to handle.

But never ever she questioned me or asked me the reason behind them. She never crossed the line to ask me and respected my privacy and gave space.

Now she is hurt that I haven't even said about the biggest decision of my life. I have my own reasons and I didn't mean to hurt her.

Arjun came forward to me and circled his arm around me, opening the car door for me as usual. I think he is frustrated by all this.

We both settled in the car and he started the drive but didn't utter a single word or spoke about Neha. He is silent and I can't bear this silence.

Our way home was silent. I didn't dare to meet his eyes because of me he has to tolerate Neha's disrespect.


I felt relieved by looking at her face, which is my peace. I know she works hard and never neglects her responsibilities.

I felt like she needed comfort as she was exhausted. I cupped her face and she relaxed in my touch. She never resists my touch. That's the only thing which gives me encouragement.

But what spoiled my mood and moment with my girl is the one who barged towards us. What the hell was with her dragging my wife like a thing.

Who is she to question my baby like she owns her? But when Manvika was silent and listening to her calmly, I understood her to be Neha, her best friend.

It's ok friends can know about our personal things but what made me furious was the way she questioned me.

What do she think of herself? She thought I am Manvika's boyfriend and accused me with different things.

I am Manvika's husband. We are bound with the knot which cannot separate us. We got married in the presence of family, friends and with the holy fire.

But here she is not ready to believe me. If it is any other girl who is not related to My baby I would definitely teach her a lesson.

My baby will get hurt if her loved ones get hurt. I can even bear an insult more than hurting her. My patience is tied with a thin string which this Neha is stretching to my end.

How can she say I am cheating and using my baby? I can never in wildest dreams think about any girl rather than Manvika let alone cheating on her.

I can be her devotee, cherish her, adorn her but cannot use her. She can use me however she wants. I will be at her service happily.

I am trying my hardest to control myself and calmly answer her. But she is pushing to my limits with her words.

Until my girl tried to prove we are husband and wife. She showed the mangalsutra I tied to her. This made me kind of proud. Because she belongs to me.

We are permanent and together forever. Relief washed over me as Neha went away but my little bird seems to be sad.

I didn't try to talk with Manvika. I am not angry with her but a little hurt as I am accused of cheating her and using her.

What made me surprised and interested about Neha is that she is so protective and possessive about My baby. I know she doesn't know about the marriage because Manvika didn't want to.

I believe that I am going to hurt Manvika. My angel is innocent to this world. But Neha tried to prevent Manvika from getting hurt.

The drive was silent, she didn't initiate any conversation even though I ain't.We drove to our home.


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Hello everyone.... I am trying to create a little world through books. I hope my little books be fascinating to you and try to lighten up your mood. I hope you'll support me in this journey and be with me. Thank you will little.🦋🦋🦋

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I am trying to create my little world with my fantasies and delusions through books. Come and join me in this journey.