19. Caring wife?

It's been one week since we shifted here. Today my college is going to start. Here I am getting ready for college and Arjun is in the shower. He started going to the office last week itself.

Without him I felt bored to be alone in this huge penthouse but books gave me good company. Raghvi maa has sent Gauri kaki for help. She will help me with chores. Arjun wants to appoint a cook but I manage to do so.

I am wearing a turtleneck t-shirt paired with pants tucked in and adding a look with a jacket. Sneakers have all my love. I can't manage the heels they are fashion Kam dard jyada.

By the time I got ready Arjun came out of the shower. He wrapped a towel around his waist by ruffling his hair with another towel. My breath hitched looking at his well built body.

Hard chest, well defined abs and water droplets dripping from his hair , falling on his forehead traveling from his neck to chest. Sharp jawline with minimum beard , he is a Greek god. How would it feels to run my hands on his chest , scratch his back with my nails and suck on his jawline?

Stop Anvi you cannot drool over him. You horny bitch, my subconscious mind lectured me. Hushing my thoughts I concentrated on getting ready.He went into the closet.

When I am giving a once over look at myself he said,

“ If you're not comfortable in wearing mangalsutra and vermilion you can remove or not apply”

Did he see me hiding my mangalsutra and covering vermilion between my hair? But I cannot let everyone know that I am married. Then I have to face weird stares, gossips and ragging will be horrible.

“ I am comfortable wearing them but I don't want my classmates to know about it and they start gossiping. So to avoid all this.” I explained to him to clear up his misunderstanding.

Soon he was ready and I served breakfast to him. I have a bad habit of skipping meals. I don't feel like eating in the early morning. In hostel Neha used to force me. But no one can force me now.

“ Why are you not eating? “ But I am wrong. Arjun caught me.

“ I will eat in the canteen. I don't eat this early “ I gave an excuse.

Did he get convinced? Then it would be a no.Who is he? Great Arjun Ahuja. He made me sit and filled my mouth with an avocado sandwich. I can't even talk now. He repeated it for two sandwiches and made me drink orange juice. After Neha he is the one feeding me.

Why does he have to act like my caretaker? After feeding me he ate. We both started to our destinations.

He dropped me at college. Instructed me many things like if I need anything call him, don't skip your meals, he will come to pick me up blah blah blah.

I am not a kid. He should treat me like an adult. Seeing that none noticed me ,I ran to my class. Because if any of my classmates noticed me with Arjun then rumors are hard to handle.

Upon entering class what made my day and bought a huge smile is my sweetheart Neha. By looking at me she jumped on me, hugging tightly. It's been nearly one month since I have seen her and we didn't even contact each other.

“ I missssssed youuuuuu” Neha chirped, hanging like a monkey to me.

“ I missssssed youuuuuu more” I sang in the same tone.

Whole class is looking at us like we are crazy. But we royally ignored them, continued with our drama. We both settled in our seats.

“ Why haven't you come back to the hostel? When I came you were not there.” Neha asked.

I am not ready to say that I married Arjun. I can't handle her outburst. Because she will think I am spoiling my life by marrying early but who will tell her I am compelled to do this.

“ Actually I am living in my Papa's friend's house. He is Papa's good friend so he doesn't want me to struggle in the hostel. I have no say in this.” I elucidated her.

“ How can you betray me by leaving me alone?” She is giving a betrayed look.

“ I am sorry bub. I cannot deny papa“

“ For this time you are spared.”

If she reacts like this for just a mere matter then how she will react when she knows about Arjun. Just the thought itself makes me feel bitter.

Professor entered the class and she left that topic. Today's classes were not many as it was the start of a new semester.

After three classes we had a break. So both Neha and I went to the canteen to get drinks. To our fate we crossed paths with Rahul. It is his last semester.

“ It's been a long time Manvika, how are you? I have texted you and even called you but didn't get any reply.” Rahul said he was a VIP.

“ Sorry to say this, she doesn't reply to strangers. Moreover, she blocks strangers.” My sassy girl Neha retorted him.

Rahul clenching his jaw might be controlling his anger. To avoid this situation I interrupted them.

“ I was busy, Rahul. And I was out of town all this month. Sorry.” Unintentionally I lied to him.

Neha rolled her eyes by looking at Rahul. Why does this idiot have to trouble me? He tried to stretch the conversation but I kept it short.

Neha completed her classes and I have some extra work as I do a part time job as an assistant to my professor. He gave me do review of some documents and I drowned in my work.

When I checked my phone there were two missed calls from Arjun. I called him back.

“ Hello Arjun…sorry I was busy at work. Why have you called me?” I hurriedly asked him as I want to complete the work I am doing.

“ I am waiting at college to pick you up.”

“ In 5 minutes I will be there.” I replied to him.

I sat comfortably in his car. Whole car smelled like lilies. This fragrance is very soothing. Relaxing my senses.

“ Why does your whole car smell like lilies?” I questioned him.

“ Because they are present in the car. I bought lilies for you , on my way."By that he handed me lilies which were in the backseat.

I thanked him by smelling lilies. I love flowers and he is making my delusions real. He asked me whether we dine out but I don't want to. So I said I will cook. Actually, the reason is I don't want him to spend money on me.

He is tired. I prepared coffee for both. It is the common thing we both like. This penthouse actually has a beautiful balcony and I decorated it with plants to my interest. We both sat on the couch and enjoyed the evening with coffee. He leaned on my shoulder while keeping head. He sighed, maybe tired.

“Are you tired? You can take a rest and what would you have for dinner?” I asked him.

“ I am working on a new model and it is quite exhausting. And for dinner I am fine with anything “ he said by staying in the same position.

I went to prepare dinner and he was laying on the couch itself. I tried to comfort him with food. We both had dinner in silence.

We retired to bed and he is struggling to sleep.

“ What happened Arjun?” I asked with concern. I can't see him like this. He cares a lot about me atleast I should show some concern.

“ Headache. I am feeling a bit unwell.”

I got up and took oil to massage his head. And also gave him medicine. All the while he is staring at me questionable.

I returned to bed and asked him to sit on the floor as he is taller than me. I can't massage while he sit on bed. I started massaging his scalp with oil. He groaned with relaxation. Pressing all his pressure points made him relax a bit.

“ Baby you have magic in your hands. It's heaven to get your massage.” He said dozing.

He drowned into sleep while I massaged him by keeping head in my lap. His hair has a slight curls. They were so smooth, I wished to run my fingers through them. I am doing it now.

After an hour I asked him to lay on bed, he was sleeping in an uncomfortable position. It may ache him next morning by sleeping In that position. I felt bad for waking him.

He cuddled me and returned to sleep. I couldn't say anything as he was not feeling well.so I allowed him ,by staring at his relaxed face, gave me relief.

I don't know why I am tensed when he is in pain. I want to ease his pain. I can't see him suffering.

Maybe this all just concern for him as a human , that's it. Nothing more. I convinced my self. Soon dozed off.


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Hello everyone.... I am trying to create a little world through books. I hope my little books be fascinating to you and try to lighten up your mood. I hope you'll support me in this journey and be with me. Thank you will little.🦋🦋🦋

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I am trying to create my little world with my fantasies and delusions through books. Come and join me in this journey.