11. He made me blush


When your thoughts and feelings are the same then you are having strong feelings. This is what I am feeling right now. My mind and heart are filled with Manvika. The thought of her becoming my wife itself astonishes me.

We have planned our wedding in a resort. I want our wedding to be peaceful and far from the city to escape those Chaos. This is a private resort to have privacy and amenities here are enjoyable. I want this wedding to be special and intimate. She likes it this way.

Both families, friends and close relatives have arrived at this resort. They are residing on one side of the resort and the other part by us.

From the time we came I am trying catch a glimpse of her but she is nowhere to be noticed. This is making me desperate to see her. Ashi is busy in preparations and arrangements.

Remaining are relaxing as they came on vacation, not my wedding. Karan , Gaurav, Farhan and Mihir are enjoying the spa having a good time. I haven't invited any of my office colleagues.

The sweet moment we both shared in the dressing room is unforgettable. That was the closest proximity I have been with her up to now. But in the future there will be more things we will be doing, more than touch. When her back touched my chest right I badly wanted to kiss her. The way her breath fanned over me. These all give me a hard on.

I noticed that my touch was affected, when my fingers brushed over her nape ,hair on skin raised.My words do affect her. Everytime I say wifey she blushes. Fuck that beautiful smile she gives me when I said she is lovely.

When I am occupied with my thoughts about my girl someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned to its owner. It's none other than Karan. Why does this idiot spoil my moments or thoughts about my girl?

"Hey what lost in thoughts of Manvika?"Karan said by wiggling his brows.

"Yeah but some spoiled rat disturbed that." I mocked him.

"Don't say it is me."

" Any doubt it is you." I said irritatedly.

As we were arguing with each other Ashi came to confirm some arrangements. But as soon as Ashi entered, Karan 's face paled out. Ashi smeared with anger.

I don't know When these two will move on from the past. It's been years but Ashi still holds a grudge against Karan. Bechara Karan still feels guilty. No Ashi made him feel that way.

Karan and Ashi's bestfriend Palak were in a relationship for more than 3 years. This Karan was love sick back then. They were madly in love. I was fed up with their PDA. But I was happy that he found the love of his life.

Everything was going well. Ashi was their biggest supporter and even Karan and Ashi shared a good bond. But one day when we were discussing the start-up that Karan is doing, Ashi furiously barged into my room. I was shocked at what made her that furious.

We all stood there with confusion and Karan got a tight slap from Ashi.

"Ashi what are you doing?"I asked with slight anger even though she is my sister she cannot slap my friend.

But Karan didn't say anything , now I am uncertain of what happened between them.

"Ashi, will you tell me what happened? "

"Karan and palak broke up. And she forcefully got married to a bastard by parents. He is an asshole. He tortured her everyday. That which compelled her suicide but lucky she was saved.

This friend of yours broke up with her just with the reason to focus on his business. That poor girl had no option. " Ashi blurted out everything.

"Ashi where is palak. Please say I want to meet her." Karan said with tears in his eyes.

"Don't you dare to meet her. She is in this state just because of your self centred ness. You broke her mentally and emotionally. " Ashi was concerned for her friend.

Karan stood there with guilt and shame. I am unaware of this whole story. This idiot didn't even share about his breakup. Now I feel bad for Palak and she is like Ashi to me.

Ashi cried continuously for her friend and blamed Karan for everything. I am not saying Karan is at complete fault but he can handle it maturely.

From that day Ashi and Karan were not talking. Palak shifted to New York . Karan even tried to meet Palak but she denied to meet. From that Karan is torturing himself.

No matter how cheerful and happy he might be, he is drowned in guilt. He never showed his fucked up side to us ever. After palak he has never been in a relationship.


Even till the day Ashi holds a grudge against Karan but never in once he retorted back to Ashi.

As soon as they both faced Ashi mocked him and he was silent as usual.

"Ashi it's enough ... .It's been years since that palak has moved and she is happy now. Spare Karan he has already drowned himself in guilt." I tried to make Ashi understand.

I know Ashi loves her best friend more but she has to understand the fact to forgive Karan.

"Ashi is right, Arjun , I was at fault." Karan said and went from there.

I sighed at these two creatures who were close to me but why can't they move on. Ashi came to ask for an opinion about decorations but she rolled her eyes and went from there. Like what hell is my fault.

This my wedding and her I am making peace between these two. I am done with these two.

Ok to fix my mood I want my girl. I changed and we all went to lunch . Both the families collectively went to lunch. To be honest this resort is providing their best service. Food was amazing with different types of cuisines.

We all settled in chairs but she was nowhere to be found. This made me even more grumpy. Here I am desperately waiting for her and she is nowhere.

I thought to enquire about her but she entered with her beautiful smile. She is wearing a simple kurti with palazzo pants. Her lips are shining with lip gloss which ravish them.

What made me content was she was wearing the chain I made her to wear. That made my day. She came and sat opposite me.

She didn't even raise her eyes to look at me. That made me even more annoyed.



I was not feeling well as the constant emotional turmoil in me is making me weak. But I cannot miss lunch as everyone would be present and what they'll think about me?

So with no option left I came for lunch. When I entered the dining hall there was only one seat left that was exactly opposite to my fiance. I sat there.

His face was glowing and smiling. I don't know why he is this happy. Servants have started to serve. Food looks so tempting and delicious. Maybe this food can fix me atleast I thought.

Malai ki kheer is my all time favorite. Everyone will have dessert at last but I cannot control myself so first I had kheer. All gave me a weird look at my choice. Maybe Arjun understood my embarrassment.

"It's ok everyone will have different tastes. It's nothing to be weird. Stop looking at my wife." Now I want to vanish from her because everyone is looking at me with their teasing looks.

His friends are on another level with hooting. I didn't even raise my face.

Suddenly I felt some foot on my toes. With that unexpected touch I jerked in my place. Ashi who was sitting beside me enquired " bhabhi what happened?"

My face was utterly shocked with contact. To ignore unwanted attention "I bumped my leg with a chair" I lied.

As I was answering Ashika Arjun was smirking. Now I understood who the real culprit was. I looked at him and mouthed what the hell. No one noticed this.

He further touched my feet. Now he is forming circles with his big toe. Slightly massaging my upper part of the foot. This is giving me a tickling sensation.

I am hardly trying to control my giggles which may slip any time. I am biting on my lips to control myself to give any reaction.

But here the one who is torturing me with his legs was enjoying my state. He was normal and conversing with his friends with no ounce of shame.

What made my breath hitch was he lifted my palazzo pants upto my ankle. His leg is going further up. I am unable to Focus on food.

"Manvika beta why are you not eating anything?", Raghvi aunty asked me.

" I am eating aunty. I am a slow eater", I replied because I can't say that her son is teasing me with his feet.

This cheddane vaala is enjoying my uncertainty. He is smirking at my reply. He touched my leg until my calf region. It is giving some unknown sensation.

I tried to eat fast and escape from this situation but he didn't let me. Everyone finished their lunch and left me with this tease.

Only he and I were present in the dining hall. Ok I got an opportunity to scold him for his antics.

"What the heck was that? Whole family was present here. What if someone have seen that?", I poured all the wrath.

"If family was not present, can I do that or more than that? By the way, you are very cute while scolding me." He shamelessly came towards me. With his mention of cute my cheeks became hot. He will make blush with his silly things.I am done with this man.

" Shut up. Do you know how hard it was for me? ", I wanted to scold him but when he came near to me the proximity between us was affecting me badly. He even leaned on my chair by keeping his hands on both sides of the chair.

This made me breathe heavily. He was leaning more towards me. I am unable to utter a single word. He is gazing between my lips and eyes.

He brought his thumb near my lips and wiped the kheer on my lower lip. That it's my breath hitch at this act. He licked the same finger.

Without my conscious I licked my lips. He groaned.

"I know baby how hard it is for you but you make it hard for me too." He said.

At the moment I didn't understand but I realized about what hard he was talking. Blush crept to my cheeks and ears.

"Don't lick your lips baby...!I may lose my control and kiss you hard."

His words are making my sane mind stop at moment. I don't know why I am not protesting or offending his actions.

"If my mere words make you blush then what about the deeds we do?" Oh my god this man has no filters on his mouth.

To my defense I could not even say a single word stop him.

" Complete your lunch, don't you dare go without finishing it." By saying he served me more.

He got a phone call that he gave me a once over look and went away saying he will meet me in the evening.

I completed my lunch by remembering previous moments and trying not to blush like a mad girl.

He is unabashed and brazen. His single touch and mere words are igniting fire in me. I don't know what I feel towards him. The way he cares for me, the shine in his eyes which I notice when he sees me is not settling well.

Do I deserve all this? Or can I reciprocate the care and affection he is showing towards me?

With all these thoughts I went back to my room after completing lunch according to his command maybe.


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I am trying to create my little world with my fantasies and delusions through books. Come and join me in this journey.