10. Love pendant


I want Manvika to meet my friends but what I am unaware of is Tara and she are friends. If I had known this before I would not be wasting my time during Virat's wedding by spending it with these idiots ,rather than with my girl.

I felt happy she mingled with my friends well. These duffers are teasing me but I don't want her to know that I have a huge crush on her right now. It's not the time.

Tara and Manvika are talking about something. Even when I'm talking with them my whole concentration is on her. I'm just looking at her like a creep. We had a great time and it's evening 5.

So we decided to part our ways. We are on our way to her house. She is looking happy.

"They are very friendly and altruistic. I enjoyed spending time with them." She said, I felt a wave of jealousy from them. But it's ok.

" Yeah they're my close friends and we have been together since school."

" That's a long time. Even I have a friend Neha." She smilingly said about her friend.

We were talking about random things. Slowly she is showing interest in talking with me. That gave me hope she could fall for me one day.

I moved my hand towards gear but my hand slightly brushed her thigh. Even though she was wearing a maxi dress, that slight touch sent a wave of electricity to my body. She got still with my touch.

I raised my eyes to look at but she averted her gaze and looked out of the window. This little act made an awkward silence between us.

I actually liked the touch but what about her? Did it make her uncomfortable? But it was unintentional. So to clear that ,

"I am sorry that was unintentional." I gave an explanation.

She slowly turned her face towards me "it's ok, you don't have to explain yourself." Gave an assurance.

This gave me relief. I wanted to do many unholy things with her but not without her consent. Her comfort comes before anything. Even this morning when she came downstairs I was awestruck. The urge to hide her from everyone is strong. Because she is so beautiful, I don't want anyone to see her this beautiful.

When we were exchanging rings her fingers were shivering, I understood that she was nervous. So to calm her down I hold her hand. Right now I am feeling everything as a dream.

We reached her home. We both got down and bid bye. Tomorrow both families are going shopping.

She went in and I returned home. Here everyone is present in the living room. As soon as I entered their attention shifted towards me. They were probably discussing my marriage.

"Bhai as your sister I am taking your wedding arrangements. I will give you a discount for you." Ashi said with a thrill. Ashi is an event planner.

"Ashi, you have to do it for free. Because we raised you even if you are found near a dump yard.", I teased her.

" Papa look at this idiot ", she whined.

"Shut up Arjun, she is my daughter. Dare you to tease her." Papa warned me. Ashi gave a winning smile.

Bhai and I love to tease but we are even more protective towards her. With all this teasing and Ashi's banter we decided to go shopping tomorrow.

Ashi took responsibility for wedding planning and arrangements. Everything is decided and papa even informed Vishwanath uncle.

After a long time our whole family is together. So maa and papa are happy. Maa even made Ashi's and bhai's favorite dishes for dinner.

After dinner Bhai, dhruv and I came out as it was after long time we are meeting.

"I am happy for you Arjun, she is spotless", Dhruv said.

Dhruv is someone who is so private, doesn't like to interact with people but is calm , exactly opposite to Ashi. But the way he cares and loves Ashi is something different. We both share a great bond.

" Yeah she is the one. And thank you" I replied.

"Arey Arjun, how did you get such a good girl?" Adi Bhai teased.

"Adi what do you mean? I am not good", I got offended.

" Do you have any doubt?" Bhai replied.

"Then how you got my obedient and innocent bhabhi?", I decided use it against him.

" Because I am handsome and good. Your bhabhi fell for my charm.", he exaggerated.

All the while Dhruv is just listening to our banter.


It is morning 11 am and everyone is ready to go shopping. Manvika's family will directly come to the mall.

We moved towards our destination. We reached the mall. After her family came. We all moved in together.

Her face is gloomy. I don't know the reason but I want her to be cheerful like yesterday. Firstly, all went towards the ladies section.

Everyone started looking for lehengas , sarees and for other dresses. Ashi is over excited as she loves shopping. But my girl is standing just beside her father. I got confused why she is not looking for dresses.

I decided to ask her. I stood beside her.

"Why are you not shopping for anything? Don't you like the designs? We can shop somewhere else.", I whispered to her , not getting any attention towards us.

"No, it's not like that. I am bad at selecting. So I don't like shopping.", she said. But he doesn't know the actual reason.

" Ok then I will select for you. '' I said to her. I can select for my wife at least.

She observed that no one noticed us. Like what girl? We are engaged. We can talk with each other. My shy baby.

She went to look at dresses and signaled her with my eyes and she took them. I'm happy that at least she is going to wear the dresses I selected.

To my bad Ashi is looking at us. Now she will tease me for an eternity. But to my surprise she didn't do that.

I felt like something was wrong with Manvika. She is not excited or conversing with her family.

After that everyone moved towards jewelry shopping.



We all moved towards a jewelry shop. But I felt a tug on my wrists and pulled me towards the dressing room. I was horrified by this sudden act.

I was about to shout but immediately the same hand covered my mouth.

"Calm down wifey it's me ", a husky voice sounded near my ear. It is Arjun , I calmed a bit leaning against him because my heart beat is at rocket speed and breath is short.

After calming myself I realized our position. My back is leaning on his front, I felt his hard chest. I straightened myself.

"What was that? What is the need to pull this stunt?", I asked furiously.

" I want to talk with you wifey. So to have some privacy this is the best place right now", he said shamelessly.

"Even you can talk outside. What will they think about us?"

" Leave all those and tell me why my wife is in a gloomy mood. I want my wife to be cheerful." He enquired.

" I have told you before, don't call me wifey. Why does my mood bother you ?" I questioned back.

" I cannot stop calling you wifey because you're the one. And it bothers me everything related to you wifey.", his words made me question myself, am I that bad? Because he keeps efforts in this relationship.

" Umm just mood swings not a big deal", I excused. I cannot tell him that the woman I call maa is blackmailing me. I think he was satisfied with my reply and he didn't question me again.

"Ok then I can fix your mood. Make my wifey happy I think", by saying this he took out a small box.

I was confused looking at the box. He gave it to me to open. I took it from him with suspense.

It is a chain with some pendant.

"What is this pendent?" I asked him if it was some kind of fly design.

"It is a firefly. Even when light doesn't follow you in the dark , fireflies shine brighter than stars. So don't ever feel alone. I want to be your firefly." He explained the meaning. To be honest tears formed in my eyes.

" Thank you...", at this moment I needed this support very much.

"If you don't mind, can I make you wear this?", he asked. I gave him a small nod.

He slightly moved my hair on right shoulder and gently hooked the chain.

" Look at the mirror. How beautiful my wife is..!", he said in a low tone. I felt blood rush to my cheeks with his compliment.

I slowly lifted my eyelids, he was standing behind me and looking in the mirror with admiration. I felt it was genuine.

"When did you buy this?" I asked him.

" On the day you said yes to our marriage but I couldn't give you. So I thought why not today..!", he said.

I gave him a small smile because it is really beautiful. I realized where we were and everyone will be searching for us, what they'll be thinking?

I expressed the same to him. But he is calm and like I don't care. By seeing me panicking," just relax..! I'll handle it. First I'll go out and call you."

He went out and after confirming that our family members were out of sight he called me out. I slowly came out of the dressing room.

"Because of you what will our families think about me? ", I said my concern.

"Firstly we will go to them. Let's see if they ask."

They all were in a jewelry shop. We went towards them.

"Where do you both disappear all this time?", Raghvi aunty enquired.

"We went to see some new designs of lehengas", he lied very smoothly.

Everyone resumed their shopping. But to my bad luck , " bhabhi I have seen you going into the dressing room. " Ashika teased me while wiggling her brows.

" Even though you have seen , we are engaged and she is my to be wife. We don't need your permission." Arjun came as a savior.

With that brother and sister duo playfully argued. After a tiring 5 hours shopping was completed. Had lunch outside.

Even though we have shopped more than enough, my wedding lehanga will be designed by Supriya di. I liked her. She is so sweet and loving. She has an attractive style and dressing. Afterall she is a designer.


We returned home and it is hell tiring day. I wanted to freshen up, and entered my room. After changing my clothes and freshening up I felt peaceful.

I was applying moisturizer. My gaze went on the pendant which Arjun made me wear. Flashes of the moments came back.

As it was the moment to be cherished because he gave me a resplendent meaning of the pendent. Until today I have seen fireflies as a common fly but the way he explained it gave me hope and strength to handle the things.

At that moment I felt assured he would be with me in every situation. But I don't want to give myself false hopes which may shatter one day. I cannot handle the pain all over again.

My mind is filled with his thoughts and the moments we shared in the dressing room. At that I felt like hugging him but my mind didn't allow it. The proximity between us made us blush hard. Maybe he noticed it. When his hands brushed my nape while hooking the chain my hair rose on my neck. I don't why his one touch is affecting me.

Even though his fingers slightly touched my thigh, I know it was unintentional but my cheeks felt hot. They might be a shade of pink, so averted my face to avoid him.

Why are his words affecting me? Why is his touch making me sensitive? Why are his words making me feel safe?

His every single thing is impacting me. My heart is positive about him but my brain is warning what if it turns out like other people who hurt me?


Lots of love ❤️❤️❤️

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I am trying to create my little world with my fantasies and delusions through books. Come and join me in this journey.