7. Compulsion


Papa and I have reached home. But this time I felt something different from last time I left. Maa came towards me and received me. This is a shock to me because she is happy and smiling at me which is unusual.

"Anvi get freshen up and come for tea", maa informed me. To which I just nodded.

Papa is not that cheerful as everytime, maybe something is bothering him. I thought if it is something important then he'll tell himself. With this I went to my room and freshen up.

As I was just relaxing by sitting on couch and scrolling through my phone. At the same moment someone knocked on my room door. As I said come in maa and bhabhi both entered.

Ok it is the rare moment as maa came to my room to my suprise even bhabhi came. I felt like something is cooking between them.

"Anvi I have something important to talk with you", maa said , like when she took my opinion?

" Ha maa I am all ears."

"I don't want to beat around the bush, I'll straight come to the point. You got a marriage proposal."

This is the earth shaking thing to me and world under my feet crumbled. I don't know how to react to it or even I am hallucinating.

"Your Papa's one of the friend Rajesh uncle's son Arjun have seen you in pallavi's wedding and he likes you. So they sent a marriage proposal for you." This is the last thing that I want to listen about my marriage that to from maa.

"Maa, I am not ready for this marriage", I said sternly.

"Anvi, first listen to me. They are even ready to allow you to continue your studies and they will support you. Few days back itself Rajesh uncle discussed about this marriage proposal with your papa." Maa said not showing any interest in what I am saying.

Like who are they to give permission to me to continue my studies. Only my parents has that right. Do I need their opinion about my studies? Then it is a no.

"Maa, but I want to complete my studies and make my career ", I kept my decision.

"They are allowing you to continue all these even after marriage."

What the hell about them involving in my life.

"But maa, marriage is not in my plan until I complete my studies, I want to explore things and try them."

I made efforts to make maa understand.

Bhabhi is silently watching all this drama, like she is enjoying it. But atleast she can make maa understand that I am not ready for this marriage.This made me even to dislike her.

"Anvi these all things will be good in planning and imagining, not in reality. A girl should settle early and should have a family", Maa explained.

What is this with all stereotypes? Marriage is a lifetime commitment and a promise which lasts for lifetime. I am not expecting this and maybe I cannot assure the same to the person who is marrying me.

"Maa, what ever you say but marriage is not the thing that I can compromise now."

By looking at maa's expression I can understand how much she is annoyed by my constant denial.

Suddenly she told to bhabhi "Sanjna I want to talk with Anvi in private." Just by that bhabhi left the room. Maa locked the room.

As bhabhi left , maa's demeanor changed. Now I am getting tensed just by looking at her.

"Manvika Vridhi Deshmukh, don't get me on the topic which you hate and I love ", maa said with smirk.

This darkest part of my life which I hate and she loves using it against me. My face paled just mention of that.

"Maa please uss par mat jana", I pleaded her

"What can I do if you are becoming a brat and defying me, I should use it."

It gives me nightmares and panic attacks but it is part of me. My mumma whom I miss every single day. Yes , my real mumma who died when I was four.

"Maa, please I beg you don't snatch it from me", I begged on my knees

"I am missing this fear in your face. I really enjoy this weakness of yours", maa said with sadism dripping from her voice.

"Maa, don't do anything. I will do whatever you say."

" If you have agreed first itself then I don't have to use it. By the way I enjoyed your fear."

I hate this to my depth because I couldn't do anything in past or now. But this woman whom I am helpless to call her maa, by which my body burns is the reason behind my current state.

I cannot say anything to papa because if she get any slight doubt about it, she can go to any extent.

"Now as a good girl accept this marriage proposal and if you have any thought of saying this to your papa that I blackmailed you then you can't even imagine what I can do with you", maa warned me.

Tears were flowing as they don't have any control and my breaths are getting short as I am about to get my panic attack, my fucking weakness. My lungs are burning as they were set on fire and my hands were shivering.

But I cannot show this weakness infront of her and cannot fall weak. Mumma please give me strength to face all these. By this I counted numbers in my mind to distract myself.

"Ok maa", I nodded.

By warning me she went out of my room. As soon as she stepped out, I broke into sobs. Why all these have to happen with me? May be I am a mistake.

My mumma left me, she took everything with her my happiness, my confidence, reason to be alive and little trust I have in people.

After a long crying session about my ill fate, I went to washroom and I don't have courage to look at myself in mirror. I cannot look at my broken and weak self. I have washed my face.

Gave a quick over look to myself as papa should not be suspicious about my State. Otherwise maa will take life out of me.

I went downstairs by wearing a fake smile on my face as it is evening. Everyone gathered in living room and they don't know the fact that I know about this marriage proposal except bhabhi.

Now I understood why papa is tensed. I helped bhabhi in arranging snacks and tea. After serving all I settled beside papa.

By little hesitation papa started the topic which I hate the most.

"Anvi you have got a marriage proposal. He is my friend's son Arjun. He likes you and seen you in pallavi's wedding."

"Papa what does Arjun do?", out of no where Bhai asked papa.

"He is an automobile engineer, and well mannered, settled with rising career", papa bragged about him.

I mentally rolled my eyes.

"His family is really loving and well mannered. Upon that he is my friend's son."

"But papa I have to enquire about him once", Bhai said maybe it is one of his fake concern.

"Manav don't need of this enquiry because I know him and Rajesh's upbringing ", papa assured.

"Anvi why are you silent say something?", maa said in the sense of warning hidden in it.

"Ha Anvi your decision is most important, without your acceptance we are not going forward. By the way they assured about your studies and they don't confine your freedom ",papa detailed.

With hesitation and constant glares on me that is maa I said.

"As your wish papa, I trust you. If you're this confident about this marriage then they must be good."

"Ha Anvi they are good. Arjun can keep you happy ",papa assured.

With my acceptance whole living room spread with happiness. But I know they are mostly fake.

"Anvi , Arjun wants to meet you tomorrow. Are you ok with this?" Papa enquired.

With no option I agreed to this meeting.

If right now I want to murder anyone that would be this Arjun named guy. Who made my life upside-down with just one marriage proposal. I hate him to the core.

Just because of him I have to compromise in everything and up on that I have lost my freedom.

When I am cursing him in my mind maa came up her act.

"Meri beti ek ache Ghar ki Bahu bane wali hai, main toh bahut kush hoon."

I gave her on of my fakest smile covering my anger.

Papa again enquired about my decision and assured that they don't want to force me. But do I have any say in this?

With that evening went on. Maa and I are preparing dinner.

"Don't mess up this meeting. I don't tolerate it. I want you to get out of this house." Maa warned before itself.

"Ok maa." I nodded.

We completed our dinner and maa selected a dress for tomorrow's meeting and instructed me everything.

Just in one single day my life has changed. Last night I was chatting and enjoying with Neha. This night I am preparing to meet my future husband. But don't know how I am going to manage all these.

Can I keep his family and him happy? Can I accept them? Will they treat me like maa?will he love me?

With all these thoughts sleep overtook me.

Arjun is dying to make Anvi as his wife, here Anvi is busy in hating and cursing him. But to her unknown he is her healer, safe place and Marham to her wounds.

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I am trying to create my little world with my fantasies and delusions through books. Come and join me in this journey.