6. Marriage proposal


"Manvika Kulkarni"

"Repeat her surname again", papa was doubtful.

"It is Kulkarni papa", I repeated.

I don't know why papa was stressing on Kulkarni surname.

"By any chance her father is Vishwanath Kulkarni", papa enquired.

Ok now, how do papa know about her father. I decided to ask this.

" Yes papa , how do you know about her father?"

"Oh my god , Vishwanath is one of my old friend and we both worked for same case, when I was IIS and he was lawyer for our case, when we faced trouble in some public rights", Papa explained.

Now it is completely a suprise to me, may be this called fate which brought us together in this way.

"I don't know much about her father, but Virat just said about her family", I further said.

Maa was just trying to understand what we are discussing as she didn't know anything.

"I am more than happy and suprised that you like Vishwanath's daughter, he is the man of principles and I trust his upbringing ",papa said confidently.

"Papa what do you say about this marriage proposal? I really like her but she don't know about all these."

"Firstly I am happy that you agreed for marriage, upon that you choose my friend's daughter, definitely I will support this", papa gave his assurance.

"Arju I am happy too, I believe your dad as he is confident about this", maa added.

I wanted to dance crazily but controlled the urge. I hugged papa and maa as this is most happiest thing that is about to happen.

"I will discuss about this with Vishwanath",papa said by walking away.

My girl is really a lucky charm. As the moment I have seen her all good things started to happen.

But one constant doubt is making me nervous that what if she reject me?

No, no I cannot take that.

I am not that sunshine boy from inside. No matter what, she has to become mine. It completely depends on her either she willingly accept me or choose to get caged by me but she has to choose me only.

She is my obsession, my possession, my intoxication and everything. It depends on her to make me sunshine or whole dark night which engulf everything in it, choice is hers.

With all these thoughts I went to my room, I hope everything goes smoothly or I cannot leave bad impression on my to be in-laws by forcing their daughter to marry me.


With this dark side Arjun is building their future.

(Rajesh is Arjun's father and Vishwanath is Manvika's father)

But on other side Rajesh called Vishwanath after many years, nearly four years. Distance, constant touch donot define their friendship. Professionally and personally they have good relationship.

"Hello Vishwanath,this is Rajesh."

"Hello Rajesh , don't need to say your name, may be we are not touch recently but I don't have memory loss...!"

"Haha...! How are you Vishwanath?"

"I am fine. How are you and family?", Vishwanath asked.

" I am fine. I want to discuss an important thing with you, can we meet tomorrow ", Rajesh said.

"Don't need to ask , just fix the time and place , inform me. I'll be there."

"Ok then tomorrow same spot as we usually meet, at 11 am", Rajesh decided.

With that they spoke about everything they missed in these 4 years.

Vishwanath is still unaware of the main thing which Rajesh is about to asked. And Rajesh is excited by the thought of making his friend as family.

On the otherside Manvika is happy and unaware of what future holds for her.

Rajesh and Vishwanath came to the spot where they usually used to hangout in past. Just long lost friends due to their work and family responsibilities.

"Yaar Rajesh how are you? It's been 4 years since we met", Vishwanath chirped by exchanging hugs.

"Yeah I am fine but you are looking bit old, by the way how are you ?", Rajesh joked.

" I am fine. We are aging as our children are growing....!"

They ordered coffee for both of them. Shared well beings and everything. Now Rajesh thought to bring up the matter but don't how to start.

"Rajesh you have all freedom to talk about anything. You don't need to hesitate", Vishwanath assured.

"Ok then I don't beat around bush. I will directly come to the point. My son wants to marry your daughter."

With sudden revelation Vishwanath went all silent and after recovering from that he started.

" What Arjun want to marry my daughter?", Vishwanath questioned. As he knows Rajesh's elder was married.

"Yes, he likes your daughter, from when he attended Virat's wedding ", Rajesh confirmed.

"What even Arjun attended pallavi and Virat's wedding?"


With all these shocking revelation he went all shocked.

" But Manvika is just 20 years and still studying..!", Vishwanath said.

"It is not a problem, she can continue her studies after marriage also ,we all will support her", Rajesh assured as the matter of fact.

"But I don't think she is ready for marriage."

"Vishwanath, Arjun likes Manvika and he can keep her happy. I also want to change our friendship into family. The respect, love, affection and everything we will give her. She will become my daughter . This marriage won't confine her freedom. She can do what ever she want. She will be treated equally with Ashika."

Rajesh went on saying all these things in order to convince his friend. After giving it a second thought about this marriage, Vishwanath was convinced as his daughter will be married to his friend's son who is well mannered with good education, everything what an ideal son in law should have.

As Vishwanath dealt with domestic violence and harrasment cases, reality of this society where a wife is treated as object. He is worried for his baby girl.

So he convinced that it is better to trust a person you know rather than a stranger.

The trust he is having in his friend and the assurance he gave made him to accept this marriage.

"I am ok with this marriage but Manvika's opinion is important", Vishwanath accepted.

"You can take your time ,but remember we are waiting for your reply",Rajesh reminded.

They parted their ways with different thoughts and different emotions.

Vishwanath returned with happy face and with slight nervousness of how to convey this matter to his daughter. With all these emotional turmoil he explained everything to his wife Lakshmi.

Lakshmi met Rajesh and his family twice.To be honest she is more than happy with this proposal. She is somewhere a stereotype. She believed that girls should be married early. So she is ok with this marriage. Rajesh and his family are good and well known.

"I have to, have a word with Anvi about this marriage, her decision is important", Vishwanath said.

"What is there to ask about her opinion, it is a good proposal and best match for her", Lakshmi stated.

"It's about her life , she has right to choose. She has to take final decision."

"What is there to reject this proposal? They are ready to support her and she can continue her studies even after marriage", Lakshmi said with irritation.

"What ever but Anvi has right to decide", Vishwanath went from there.



Finally my exams were completed. Alag hi sukoon hai is mein. Neha and I were returning to our hostel. After struggling day and night for these exams now we got our freedom.

But what makes me sad is going back to home as my holidays starts from tomorrow. Neha is going back to her parents house in Delhi. So I'll be left alone. So no way I am going to stay alone.

I packed my luggage to return tomorrow but I want to sleep to my heart content. Papa called me yesterday, he sounded serious and enquired about my exams and when I am returning home. Told me that he want to discuss something important. With the thoughts of what it would be that important, that he cannot discuss over phone I drowned into sleep.

Someone was waking me up , it is Neha. She is all ready to go back. She informed me and is in hurry as she could miss her flight. I woke up and done with my morning routine, had my breakfast.

I am waiting for bus at bus station. As bus came and journey was boring but I managed by sleeping. I have reached my destination.

This time it is different that papa came to pick me up. Usually he gives excuses that he was busy but this time it is different. I Went and hugged papa. As usually he received me.

But this time it is something different, papa is not cheerful as other times.

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I am trying to create my little world with my fantasies and delusions through books. Come and join me in this journey.