5. Returned and Restless


We reached home. I feel hell tired due to this wedding. I Straight went to my room , slumped on my bed. This is the peace you cannot find anywhere. I didn't even unpack my luggage. I just slept for 3 hours.

Maa called me for dinner. I went down stairs, everyone gathered. All were silently having dinner. I thought to break the silence.

"Papa mein kal wapis Jaa Rahi hu...."

"Why can't you stay for weekend Anvi?", bhabhi asked.

"No bhabhi my semester end exams are coming, I cannot miss classes",I informed her.

With that dinner was completed. I returned to my room and packed my stuff. I watered my plants and arranged things in my room.

It is morning and I completed my part of work as I performed puja and prepared breakfast. We all together had breakfast.

"Papa can you drop me at bus station?"

"Anvi your Bhai will drop you, as I am having hearing of my case in court",papa said unwillingly.

"But papa...."

"Anvi chup chap jaa, your Bhai is waiting", maa stopped me from whining.

I got into passenger seat. Bhai started drive. It is all silent until Bhai started car "Anvi kab tumhara exams katam hote hai?"

"By this month end",I replied.

We reached bus station. Bhai took my luggage. I am all ready to get into the bus.

"Take care, after reaching hostel inform me",Bhai instructed.


He hugged me and again started saying same things " don't skip your meals, take care of your health, don't stay late night....." I just nodded my head.

I wonder everytime is it fake or real concern towards me. I got into bus.

I reached my hostel. I texted Bhai that I have reached as I am not that irresponsible. All these days Neha and I just communicated through texts.

I have entered my hostel room but Neha wasn't there as she went to college. Now one more trouble is that I have to cope up with the classes I have missed.

It's afternoon and Neha returned back. As soon as she saw me, hugged me in a bone breaking hug. As we have met after years.

"Anvi do you know how much I missed you?",Neha said.

"I don't know because you haven't said that."

"Anvi you are such a mood spoiler, mein kitna feel hoke tujhe bataya, but you...!", Neha whined.

"Ok my teddy bear, even I missed you", I calmed her.

"Woh sab chodo, shaadi mein koi ladke ko pataya kya?" Neha interrogated me.

"Abe chup kaisi baat karte hai tu",I shut her.

With that I shared all the things happened in wedding and night went on.

It's morning and we got ready for college. When I attended my first lecture of the day I realised how much I missed. But with the help of Neha I copied notes and she explained everything.

And our exams start from next week. We are having preparation holidays. But they are of no use, however we gonna waste them and struggle the day before exam.

The lectures of the day completed. Neha and I went to library to collect some books for preparation. On my way I bumped into someone. That someone is none other than my senior Rahul.

Rahul is topper and popular in college. But I don't know why he always do favours to me. I don't ask him but he will do them.It's not he is hitting on me who, not even try to talk with people.

Even I cannot deny him because he is our senior. If their batchmates know that I have disrespected him then I have to face ragging and bullying. So I opted to remain silent.

"Do you need any help manvika? Actually I can suggest you some books that might be helpful", Rahul offered his help.

"I can manage Rahul",I replied.

"Why all the time you have to be a hard nut,I am just trying to help you",Rahul said furiously.

" Because you are offering unwanted help",Neha shot it.

"I am sorry, we are getting late",by giving an excuse we escaped from there.

"Nehu that is straight rude, you can answer calmly",I suggested her.

"Yaar tu chod uske bare me, such a stopper."

We collected books and returned to room. The day has finally came to an end.

Our preparation holidays have started. But Neha instead of studying, she made a complete list of places to go out.She dragged me along with her , as even I am one day crackers.

First we started with new cafe opened in our area. After that it followed with us watching a movie, shopping and lunch and finally it ended with us having icecream.

I loved it, Neha is such a fun loving but I enjoyed outing with her. She is the only person who compel me to do crazy things. But I love her.



I returned home, by the time I entered they were sleeping I think so. Without making any noise I entered into my room.

Everytime I entered my room it was different but now. It is all thoughts about Manvika. Everyday I hope to see her once but today it is about her face with the eyes that are deeper than ocean, smile that can light up my whole world.

It's morning, I have office to go. Otherwise my boss Mihir will burst on me. As I took many leaves. With these thoughts I got ready. Came down stairs, maa is all ready to leave for her college.

In hurry I ran towards maa , but she is suprised to see me because she don't know I returned from Pune.

"Arju when you came back?"

"Maa last night I returned but you were sleeping. So I thought to not to disturb you",I said.

"Acha how was the wedding?", maa asked.

"Maa woh sab chod, mujhe aap aur papa se kuch jaruri baat karna hai", I informed.

But in middle papa came " Raghvi we are getting late come I'll drop you at college then I have some work",papa told.

" But maa,papa I have something to discuss with you", I whined as they were in hurry and I am desperate.

"Shyam ko baat karte , ab mujhe Jana hai",maa said.

With a sigh I left to my office. As soon as I entered a high pitch, annoying voice came running towards me.

It is Shruti, my school mate, even in college and now in office. She is one of my friend but I don't have that deep friendship as with Tara.

"Where you disappeared after Ladakh trip?", Shruti started.

"I went to Pune to attend Virat's wedding."

"What Virat got married he didn't even invited me, he is so mean",she said with shock.

Why would he invite such a pain in ass character, just to get annoyed. I spoke mentally.

"May be he forgot or missed to invite you",I said.

"I am going to give him earful, how can he do this to me", she said with determination.

"Don't disturb him, he is newly married ", I said in order to save Virat.

I escaped from her. The person whom I don't want to meet right now appeared infront of me. That is Mihir.

"Arjun complete presentation on new model, we have to send it for manufacturing",Mihir informed.

"Ok, Mihir."

Shock would be an understatement because I expected him to burst on me but he was calm. I started to work on new model car which is designing specially for family, with the motto to provide maximum comfort and safety. I love making cars and working on them.

Finally, before lunch I have completed my presentation and submitted to Mihir. I think he was satisfied with my presentation. But this stubborn ass don't appreciate it.

I completed my work and on my to home. I think maa and papa would have returned. I mentally prepared a long speech how to convey the matter to them.

I reached home and quickly freshen up. Came down stairs and joined them for tea.

I am very desperate to share and discuss this with them. I am trying to start but bit tensed.

"Arjun don't hesitate, what is the matter", it is papa.

"Maa, papa I want to discuss an important thing with you", I said.

"What's that?", maa questioned.

"I am ready for marriage and I want to get married...!"

"I know Arjun , however Ananya is not that bad as you think", maa said with excitement.

"But I am not going to marry Ananya..!"

Maa thought that I said yes for Ananya. But how can I imagine any other girl in the place of Manvika. Than that I would stay single for my whole life with her thoughts.

"Then who? Even I didn't seen any rishta for you...!",maa asked.

Ok it's time, I should say about my girl.

"In Virat's wedding I have seen a girl and I like her."

"Arjun how can you decide just by seeing, it doesn't work like that", papa interrupted me.

"Yeah, Arju your papa is right, you can't marry someone like that ",maa supported papa.

"Ok atleast say her name..!",papa asked.


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I am trying to create my little world with my fantasies and delusions through books. Come and join me in this journey.