
Trust is the foundation of love.

Arjun's anger is now out of control as his eyes were slight red and veins were popping out.He straightly came to me and hold my wrist in tight grip , started to drag me with him as I am doll.Opened his car door pushed me into passenger seat and slammed car door.I was hell scared by his behaviour.

He came to driving seat and started driving at high speed that I felt like we will meet with an accident.Without my notice tears were flowing from my eyes.

His knuckles were turned white due to his tight hold on steering wheel as he is controlling his anger.He stopped the car at his apartment.He opened my side car door and dragged me with him.

We entered in , he shut the door with thud sound .As soon as we entered I felt  a sting pain on my cheek.I was shocked because he slapped me.

I just glared at him with tears. He was shocked as it is the first time he slapped me. He was about to cup my cheeks. But I moved my face.

"Manvi I am sorry jaana.....I didn't mean to slap you.....I was out of control ", Arjun said with guilt.

"Arjun stop with all this drama.... don't act like victim....",I retorted.

"Manvi  I am not acting baby...."

"You are cheating on me and acting like you are the best husband. Wow "

"Please listen to me ", he begged me.

"I don't want to listen to you. I WANT DIVORCE",  I said with tiredness. I am fed with all this drama.

Is Arjun really cheating on Manvika whom he loved more than anything?

Do they get divorced and part their ways?

To know that kindly read the story.....🥰


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I am trying to create my little world with my fantasies and delusions through books. Come and join me in this journey.